Art as Text Women Witnesses to the Resurrection
The earliest known architectural art of the crucifixion was carved on the door of St. Sabina church in Rome in the 430s. Here also appears the earliest architectural art of both resurrection scenes : The women at the Empty Tomb The women with the risen Christ
The crucifixion Carved wood panel, St. Sabina Church, Rome, 430s
Two women at the Empty Tomb with the angel Carved wood panel, St. Sabina Church, Rome, 430s
Two women with the Risen Christ Carved wood panel, St. Sabina Church, Rome, 430s
Two scenes: Two women with the angel at the Empty Tomb and Two women with the Risen Christ Ravenna, late 400s
Two scenes: At the Tomb & with Christ. Venice, 12 th c.
Both scenes with the Magdalene. Athens, 14 th c.
Three women at the Empty Tomb. Italy,
Three Women with the risen Christ. Italy,
One more look... Compare the women’s posture in the earliest scene with Christ... to their posture in the later scenes.
Two women stand with the risen Christ. St. Sabina Church, Rome, 430s
Two women kneel before the risen Christ. Ravenna, late 400s
Two women fall at the feet of the risen Christ. Venice, 1100s
Art as Text By Ally Kateusz
Art as Text By Ally Kateusz In honor of Ann Graham Brock