Adams Central Public Schools School Facilities Task Force Community Input November 5,
Agenda Overview Role of Task Force Overview the Process Review Task Force Findings The DLR Group Facilities Report Public Input Next Steps 2
Questions and Comments We will provide opportunities for clarifying questions periodically during this presentation. Specific comments are to be given during the Public Comment part of the meeting. Our goal is to provide information from the Task Force and to solicit community input on the elementary facilities issue. 3
Background Information In May, 2014, the Adams Central Board of Education unanimously passed a resolution to address facility needs at the three elementary buildings in the district. Briefly the resolution called for the following: “… decisions need to be made regarding facilities needed to meet the future educational need of our students…” “… to sustain long term financial stability … to operate as efficiently as possible.” “…to be responsive to the patrons of the district.” “… (community) to share input and reach consensus to meet facility needs.” 4
Background Information cont. The Board identified and invited approximately 60 patrons as a demographically representative group to serve on the task force. The group met seven times over the past four months, with participants meeting at each session. 5
The Purpose The Board asked the task force to accomplish the following: Develop good participation & representation Maintain positive communication Explore middle school direction Identify a direction to go with elementary facilities Develop a new plan with a new voice Develop a long term view Develop consensus (general agreement) 6
The Process Reviewed Educational Priorities – The Task Force reviewed current educational programs; identified specific educational priorities. Identified Facility Needs – The Task Force toured all buildings, and identified facility strengths and challenges for each building. 7
The Process - cont. Reviewed District Finances – The Task reviewed district financial structures. Reviewed Facilities Audit – A facilities audit was conducted by The DLR Group. Identified Facility Options – The Task Force reviewed numerous options that met the identified educational and facility priorities; narrowed the list to three options. 8
The Process – Next Steps Solicit Community Input – Three Strategies: 1) paper & pencil survey to all registered voters; 2) a web-based survey; and, 3) a community informational/input meeting. Make Facility Recommendations - The Task Force will meet one more time to develop recommendations for the Board of Education. Board Action – The Board takes the recommendations under advisement. 9
Worst Fears Nothing changes Not keeping up educationally/technologically Lose student populations Lose good teachers and staff Drop in community support/interest Lose confidence and trust in each other 10
Best Hopes Stronger sense of community pride Equal opportunities for all students Unity and trust in the district Keeping a high standard of education Attract families and students Improved facilities 11
Task Force Findings There are significant facility needs at all three elementary buildings. There is agreement with Facility Needs to meet the Educational Priorities (program equity, safety/security, functional spaces). There was agreement that both Wallace and AC East facilities be closed. The task Force supports a Middle School Concept but will leave the decision to the Board and not make it part of the elementary facilities issue. 12
Task Force Findings – cont. The Task Force identified Three Elementary Options (not in priority order): Option #1 (two sites; remodeled Juniata and new site TBD) Option #2 (single site at Juniata) Option #3 (new, single site TBD) Est. Construction Costs - $14 - $16 Million - $70 - $80 per $100,000 valuation 13
New Site Considerations Jr.-Sr. HS site not in the discussion at this time A new site has not been identified; too early in the process New site considerations include: Proximity to Hastings Central Location (depending on option selected) Safety and Security issues Access Infrastructure Costs 14
Web Site Resources Please review the work of the Task Force as detailed on the Adams Central Web Site d-of-education-information.html Electronic Survey 15
DLR Facilities Study Facility Considerations and Projections 16
Community Input INSTRUCTIONS FOR THOSE WHO WISH TO SPEAK DURING PUBLIC FORUM: Getting Started: Please sign your name and provide address on the sign-in sheet and state your name to the Board of Education. Time Limit: You may speak only one time and must limit comments to 5 minutes or less. Topics – You are limited to the topic of elementary facilities. Please refrain from redundant comments. 17
Community Input – cont. General Rules: Please remember that this is a public meeting for conducting the business of the Board of Education. Offensive language, personal attacks, and hostile conduct will not be tolerated. This is not a debate, but an opportunity for the public to comment on the future of the Adams Central Public Schools. 18
Next Steps Tabulate and Analyze Community Input Task Force Finalizes Recommendations Board Acts on Recommendations Thank you for your time and commitment to ACPS! 19