1 Kidney Transplantation Committee Spring 2016
2 Recent Public Comment Proposals OPTN Kidney Paired Donation (KPD) Priority Points Changes apply only to the OPTN KPD program Revisions to priority points (e.g. sliding scale for CPRA and donor/candidate blood type) Remedy for candidates in a failed exchange Board Approved: Dec Implementation: Pending Programming
3 Policy Implementation Dates OPTN KPD Deadlines and Message Boards Changes apply only to the OPTN KPD program Programs deadlines for: Match offer preliminary responses Performing crossmatches Providing and reviewing donor records Total time from offer to final acceptance/refusal = 15 business days Creates message boards for communication Board Approved: June 2015 Estimated Implementation: Within 1 st half of 2016
4 KAS Update Spring 2016
KAS implemented Dec 4, 2014 Key goals: Make better use of available kidneys Increase transplant opportunities for difficult-to-match patients (increased equity) Increase fairness by awarding waiting time points based on dialysis start date Have minimal impact on most candidates Background
Performance tracked monthly for first six months (“out of the gate” reports) Comprehensive, 6-month analysis provided to the kidney committee in Sep 2015 One year analysis requested by the committee (analyses underway) Pre-KAS period: Dec 4, 2013 – Dec 3, 2014 (12 months) Post-KAS period: Dec 4, 2014 – Dec 3, 2015 (12 months) Solitary, deceased donor kidney transplants This slide set contains highlights from the full one-year report Background
Trends in kidneys recovered and transplanted ↑ 4.6% ↑ 6.2% Kidneys recovered for transplant Solitary kidney transplants Nearly 1,000 more deceased donor kidneys were recovered post- KAS, and nearly 500 more transplants occurred.
Who’s getting transplanted under KAS? Percentage of Deceased Donor Kidney Transplants by Recipient Age More young candidates (18-49) are receiving kidney transplants. Transplants to pediatrics rebounded in 2 nd six months
Who’s getting transplanted under KAS? Percentage of Deceased Donor Kidney Transplants by Recipient Race/ethnicity More African Americans are receiving kidney transplants, although less so during the 2 nd six months.
Who’s getting transplanted under KAS? Percentage of Deceased Donor Kidney Transplants by Recipient Blood Type The distribution of transplants has changed little by recipient ABO. Slight increases for blood type B and AB patients.
Who’s getting transplanted under KAS? Percentage of Deceased Donor Kidney Transplants by Recipient CPRA Transplants increased sharply for CPRA % patients but have tapered during the 2 nd six months.
Who’s getting transplanted under KAS? Percentage of Deceased Donor Kidney Transplants by Recipient Duration on Dialysis More transplants are going to long dialysis duration recipients. Fewer preemptive (before dialysis) transplants.
Geographic distribution of kidney transplants More kidneys are being distributed outside recovery OPO’s DSA. CIT>24 hours: Pre-KAS 18.2%, Post-KAS 21.6%. 21.4% 31.5%
Geographic distribution of kidney transplants The distribution of transplants by OPTN region has changed little.
Kidney recovery under KAS The distribution of recovered kidneys by KDPI has remained very similar. Percentage of Recovered Deceased Kidney Donors by KDPI
Kidney recovery & utilization under KAS Discard rates initially rose during 1 st six months... Kidney Discard Rate by KDPI
Kidney recovery & utilization under KAS ... but subsequently stabilized. Further tracking and study underway. Kidney Discard Rate by KDPI
0 ABDR mismatches declined from 8.2% to 4.7% of transplants 22% fewer transplants with 30+ year donor/recipient age difference Delayed graft function (DGF) rates increased from 24% to 30%. Six month graft survival rates* remain statistically unchanged (p=0.13) Pre-KAS: 95.8% Post-KAS: 95.2% Other findings * Based on the first 4 months of post-KAS transplants
Overall – KAS is meeting key goals Increase highly sensitized recipients; tapering effect observed Increase in access for African Americans and high dialysis time recipients, also with tapering observed Fewer longevity mismatches Transplant volume is up nearly 5% Several effects deserve further attention: Logistical challenges in allocation, increased CIT Discard rates Increased DGF; early graft survival rates statistically unchanged (but small N) Summary: First Year of KAS
Mark Aeder, MD Committee Chair Melinda Woodbury Committee Liaison Questions? 20