The Rise of Islam
Islam How can we contrast Islam with traditional Arabian religion? How can we compare/contrast Islam with Judaism and Christianity? How can we compare/contrast Islamic and Christian policies toward those of other faiths in their respective lands?
Islam Relevant Terms Ummah Ulama Imam Mosque
Islam The Arabian Peninsula Desert Home of the Arabs No centralized authority Pastoral nomads Loyal to tribes
Islam Arabian Religion during the Jahiliyah Polytheistic Divination Jinn Al-Uzza, Al-Lat, Manat
Islam Mecca Commercial center Ka’ba: then a pagan shrine Controlled by Quraysh Ka’ba
Islam Monotheism in Arabia Judaism Christianity Hanifs
Islam Muhammad (570-632) Orphan, of Quraysh Involved in Meccan caravan trade Pious, influenced by hanifs? Night of Power (ca. 610) Prophet of Islam Muhammad visited by Gabriel
Islam Muslim Era Begins Gained some converts Overall response: negative danger! Prophet invited to Medina The Hijra (622): Muhammad, ummah emigrated
Islam In Medina Muhammad became statesman City converted Unbelieving Jews expelled Raids on Meccan caravans launched Muhammad addressing believers in Medina
Islam Battle of Badr (March 15, 624) Began as Muslim attempt to intercept very wealthy caravan 1,000 Meccans vs. 300 Muslims Muslim victory!
Islam The Return to Mecca (630) Quraysh had violated Treaty of Hudaybiyya (made 628) Muslims marched on Mecca City surrendered Muhammad cleansed Ka’ba March on Mecca
Islam Questions?
Islam The Quran Muhammad’s revelations Significant teachings Absolute monotheism Jesus: “apostle” “People of the Book” Judgment Paradise, Hell Make war on unbelievers Jihad
Islam Other Sources of Authority for Islam Sunnah (“path”) Religious practices established by Muhammad Basis of Islamic social, legal customs Hadith (“news”) Records of Muhammad’s sayings Attributed to his companions
Islam The Five Pillars Shahadah Salat (prayer) Ramadan “There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His Prophet” Salat (prayer) Ramadan Zakat (alms levy) Hajj (pilgrimage)
Islam Talbiyah "Labbayk, Allahumma Labbayk. Labbayk. La shareeka laka. Labbayk. Innal-hamda wan-n'imata laka wal-mulk. La shareeka lak.“ “Here we come, O God, here we come! Here we come. No partner have You. Here we come! Praise indeed, and blessings, are Yours---the Kingdom too! No partner have You!”
Islam Hajj ritual of stoning Satan, at Mina
Islam Status of Women First convert: Khadijah (d. 620) In the Quran Men superior to women Infanticide banned Polygyny permitted Some inheritance rights Quran’s reforms not always implemented Khadijah
Islam Questions?
Islam Islamic Conquests (622-733)
Islam The Battle of Tours/Poitiers (732) Muslims advanced into Kingdom of the Franks Halted by Charles Martel Result: Muslim advance checked
Islam The Caliphate Muhammad died 632 Caliphs Prophet’s successors First were early converts, from his inner circle (Rashidun) Office: political, religious
Islam Division within the Ummah The fate of Ali (r. 656-661) Muhammad’s cousin, husband of Fatima Dedicated Muslim Muhammad intended him to be successor? Civil war between Ali and Mu’awiyah Ali’s assassination Aftermath: Sunni vs. Shi’ah
Islam Ruling the Caliphate: Shari’ah Sacred law of ummah Purpose: regulate all activities Sources: Quran, Sunnah, community consensus Qadis: shari’ah judges Individuals before a qadi
Islam Ruling the Empire: Status of Non-Muslims Dhimmis: followers of religions tolerated by law; not forced to convert Monotheist leaders relied on to manage their communities’ affairs Faced discrimination (jizyah, etc.)
Islam Islamic Iberia Visigoths conquered between 711-16 Under emirs, at Córdoba Muslims about 25% of population Decent inter-religious relations Not all Christians were content
Islam Questions?
Islam The Great Civilization Sophisticated, advanced Access to classical learning Books, libraries Contributed to science and math
Islam Quran page with beginning of surah 18 (9th, early 10th cent.)
Islam Dome of the Rock (687-692) Tribute to Islam’s triumph in Jerusalem Erected on sacred site Domed octagon
Islam Dome of the Rock, interior
Islam (Former) Great Mosque of Córdoba (begun 784), exterior
Islam Prayer hall, (former) Great Mosque of Córdoba
Islam The Minaret Towers for muzzein Malwiya minaret (848-852) At Great Mosque of Samarra, Iraq Spiral ramp
Islam Questions?
Islam How can we contrast Islam with traditional Arabian religion? How can we compare/contrast Islam with Judaism and Christianity? How can we compare/contrast Islamic and Christian policies toward those of other faiths in their respective lands?
Primary Source Excerpts from the Quran What do we learn about God? What is its teaching regarding idols? What does it have in common with the Jewish-Christian Bible? How does it differ from teachings of People of the Book?
Primary Source Muslim-Christian Debate What kind of source? Who was involved, and their setting? Tone of the debate? Subjects discussed, and strategies used to argue points? Is there an apparent “winner”?
Primary Source Accounts of Battle of Poitiers (Tours) What kind of sources? Who were the authors, and did their prejudices color the way they described this conflict? Did you find anything unbelievable in their accounts?