THE RESEARCH DESIGN Having identified the variables in a problem situation and develop the theoretical framework, the next step is to design the research in a way that the requisite data can be gathered and analyzed to arrive at a solution (Sekaran,2003: 117) Good research is not accidental. It requires careful planning and design
The Flow Broad Area of research Problem Definition Literature review Theoretical framework Generation Of hypothesis Research Design Identify The variables Data collection Analysis and Interpretation
Research design is a master plan that specifies the methods and procedures for collecting and analyzing the needed information (Zikmund et.al, 2010).
The research design involves a series of decision-making choices to ensure the needed data can be gathered and analyzed. (Sekaran,2003: 117) Basically, research design focused more on the data collection technique
A work plan details what has to be done to complete the research project The function of a research design is to ensure that the evidence obtained enables us to answer the initial research question as unambiguously as possible
Research design is different from research method by which data are collected Some treated research design as a mode of data collection rather than as a logical structure of the inquiry Failing to distinguish between design and method leads to poor evaluation of design
Data for any design can be collected with any data collection method as it is irrelevant to the logic of the design For example case study, survey or experimental design can use observation, interview or questionnaire to collect data Research design refers to the structure of an inquiry: it is a logical matter rather than logistical one
The central role of research design is to minimize the chance of drawing incorrect causal inferences from data When designing research it is essential that we identify the type of evidence required to answer questions or to test theories as unambiguously as possible
ELEMENTS IN RESEARCH DESIGN Purpose of the study (quantitative /qualitative) Study setting (experimental/non- experimental, location) Temporal aspect (time horizon) Sampling Measurement/type of data Data collection methods Administration of questionnaire Data analysis
THE RESEARCH DESIGN: The Purpose Quantitive Mix method Qualitative Test hypothesis/ theory Build theory
Quantitative Vs Qualitative Quantitative Test theories Collecting data in form of numbers Known variables Large sample Standardized instruments Statistical tools Qualitative Build theories Collecting data in form of words or pictures Unknown variables Small sample Observations, interviews Interpretive approaches
THE RESEARCH DESIGN: Study setting Experimental Vs Non-experimental Experimental design is a carefully controlled study in which a researcher manipulates a proposed caused and observed any corresponding change in the proposed effect (Zikmund et.al, 2010) Two group of subjects are randomly selected from the population and one group receives the treatment and the other group receives no treatment (Salkind, 2009:225). Experimental group received treatment Control group received no treatment. Both group are tested to see the effect of treatment
THE RESEARCH DESIGN: Study setting Experimental Vs Non-experimental Non-experimental design is a normal study whereby the respondent received no treatment from the researcher. For your level of degree, I strongly suggest to conduct non- experimental research
Descriptive study Exploratory study Correlation Study THE RESEARCH DESIGN: Study setting Non-experimental
A research design that describes characteristics of object (people, group, organization). For instance, the study to identify the age, educational background and motivational level amongst staff. Purpose is to offer a researcher a profile of relevant aspect of interest (Sekaran, 2003) THE RESEARCH DESIGN: Descriptive study
The Dean wants to have a profile of the students who did not qualified for MUET test. The information needed include program, year, gender, family back ground and level of self-esteem. THE RESEARCH DESIGN: Descriptive study.. An example
Exploratory study is undertaken when not much is known about the situation at hand, or no information is available on how similar problems or issues have been solve in the past (Sekaran, 2003; 119) Exploratory study are necessary when more information needed for developing theoretical framework THE RESEARCH DESIGN: Exploratory Study
THE RESEARCH DESIGN: Exploratory study.. An example The Daie is curious to know if the culture of non-Muslim in Kelantan is different from non-Muslim in Kuala Lumpur. Not much is known about non-Muslim in Kelantan especially Chinese. The Daie can understand these phenomenon by conducting exploratory study
The Research Design : Correlational Research Correlational research design describes the linear relationship between two or more variables. Pearson product moment correlation employed to identify the correlation between the variables
The Research Design: Correlational Research.. An example The Dean want to identify the relationship between self-esteem and academic performance The correlational is needed
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