A technology and a separator for extraction of methane from the outgoing general mine ventilation flow. INNOVATION & TECHOLOGY GROUP, Kyiv, Ukraine
Short description of the project or technology Ukrainian companies created a separator for simple and effective extraction of methane from mine air. Vortex effect is used for the separation of gas mixtures. Concentration of the methane extracted from the mine air increases from 0.75% to 30-90%. The project of a device for processing mine air with productivity of 5000 m3/min is available.Partners are needed for creation of a joint enterprise for manufacture, testing and launching new production to the market.
Applicability of the technology in Kazakhstan Field of technology: where and how the technology is applicable? Innovative content of the technology; feature of novelty. What is advantage of the technology in comparing with world-wide analogues? Where the technology was tested/ introduced/ patented? What of benefit of introducing the technology? What is effect of the introducing (low power inputs, expansion of efficiency, affordability, others)? What company is your potential partner in Kazakhstan? What kind activities are foreseen to cooperate with your potential partners (negotiation, signing of MoU, technology transfer)