Career Field Research Project Jayme Mason September 30, 2015
Possible career choices: 1.Software Engineer 2.Environmental Engineer 3.Special Education Teacher
Software Engineer
❖ A software engineer is one who creates, designs, test, and evaluates computer software and systems that require software use. ❖ I want to be a software engineer because I enjoyed web design. In web design I learned about coding and it came easy to me, I think it is something I want to pursue in a career. ❖ The values one should have to becoming an engineer is a honest work ethic. ❖ The daily task and responsibilities one would have is to check for any mishaps that need fixing before starting new work, consisting of coding. ❖ This type of engineering works mostly with computer but also with other people; coworkers, and the public whom have an input on the software.
Software Engineer (continued) ❖ The work environment is an office if the employee is not working from home. ❖ The hours, depending on the company, can be flexible, but usually run about 40 to 50 hours a week. ❖ Some aptitudes and abilities that I have that will help me in this career are my knowledge of computers and my love for problem solving. ❖ In order to become a software engineer one must obtain a bachelor's degree in computer science or computer engineering and have about 2 years experience in a related field. ❖
Software Engineer (continued) ❖ The annual salary, on the beginning level is $62,896 with the typical benefits along with profit sharing, stock options, and access to job cars. ❖ As the computer, technology world is evolving in the United States software engineering jobs are expected to keep raising at a 22% rate. ❖ The job outlook internationally is expected to rise but not quite as fast as in the United States alone. ❖ A software engineer can find a job near by so moving would not have to be a necessity. ❖ The software engineer would be in the career cluster named “Information Technology”.
Environmental Engineer
❖ An environmental Engineer is one that looks and test different aspects of the landscape, including living things for a project. ❖ I want to look into environmental because it would allow me to get a break from the offices every once in awhile, also because I can make a difference in the community. ❖ One of the biggest value a environmental engineer must have is the love and passion for the outdoors. ❖ They use the principles of engineering and sciences to develop solutions to environmental problems. ❖ Like many engineers they are working with the data and other people but can also be working with the landscape on site of a job task.
Environmental Engineer (continued) ❖ Environmental engineers work in offices unless they are on a job then they may go to that site. ❖ They of course work the typical 40 hours a week but could vary depending on task at hand. ❖ Some aptitudes and abilities that I possess that will help me in this career are My love for the outdoors and nature seeking problems. ❖ An environmental engineer must obtain a bachelors of science degree. Although most employers will require one to have graduated from an accredited program at the university level. Many science and math courses will be required.
Environmental Engineer (continued) ❖ An average salary for this job is $80,890. They receive the typical job benefits and include union membership. ❖ Environment engineer jobs are growing at a 15% rate in the united states. ❖ Environment engineers are need to travel to other places just as much as they are needed her in the states and this is a job that will not go away. ❖ One might have to travel for job opportunities but staying in the comfortable area is an option. ❖ An environmental engineer is in the career cluster called “Agriculture and Natural Resources”.
Special Education Teacher
❖ A special education teacher is one who teaches kids with special needs, in a classroom setting, at a slower level, skills to be successful in life. ❖ I have been inspired to help those with special needs because I’ve grown up always being around my cousin who has Rett Syndrome. I’m always curious to know what it is that makes another special and want to work with them. ❖ Some of the most important values you must have when working with kids is the love, passion, and especially, working with kids, with special needs, you need patients.
Special Education Teacher (continued) ❖ A special education job includes meetings with both the student and parents, behavior contracts, teaching the students,teaching job skills, and following the procedures for grades. ❖ This job works with people, not only kids but the parents too. They also work with data in the sense of grades. ❖ The nice part about being a teacher is that you can create the work environment that you want inside your classroom. ❖ A typical work week for a special education teacher is about 50 hours including class time, and paperwork and grading. ❖ A few aptitudes and abilities that will help me in this field are my patience and love for kids.
Special Education Teacher (continued) ❖ One must start with a bachelors in special education then a masters, although it doesn’t end there, education continues. An experience in student teaching regular education, ci special education, and work in a youth home as a social aspect is required for this job. ❖ The special education salary is about $60,000. They get the summers off, and school holidays, and the typical benefits, along with union membership. ❖ The career outlook is positive for the future because teachers are always in need. ❖ The same is for international outlooks, all areas in the world has kids with special needs, and all need teachers.
Special Education Teacher (continued) ❖ Well with this job you could be in any area with a school system to find a job, so relocating would not be a necessary. ❖ The career cluster that special education teachers fall into is “Education and Training”.