W HAT I S A S ALES R ECEIPT ? Proof of purchase
C ASH R EGISTER R ECEIPTS A receipt is printed by the business register that lists all items purchased, the price of each one, the total paid, the method of payment and the date and time of the transaction.
H AND - WRITTEN R ECEIPTS Business conducted on the road or while traveling usually use hand written receipts. Some mom and pop businesses still use hand written receipts.
V OCABULARY Number Sold by Cash Charge On-Account Paid-Out COD Lay-Away
H OW TO FILL OUT A SALES RECEIPT Fill in information such as your identification information, and type of sale
H OW TO FILL OUT A SALES RECEIPT Put in quantity, short description of merchandise, if more than one-unit price and then the extension, unit price times quantity. If only one item you may skip over unit price and put amount in the last column
H OW TO FILL OUT A SALES RECEIPT Continue adding sold items, do not add tax on these individual items. Draw a line under the last item if more than one, write subtotal in the description column, add all items.
H OW TO FILL OUT A SALES RECEIPT Write the word “tax” under “subtotal”, using a tax table or calculator add the amount of tax on the sub-totaled amount. Write the word “total”, add sub-total and tax together.