Health Care Reform (Medicare and Medicaid) Emily Ray Period 7
History The idea of Medicare was first created by President Truman. (1945) Medicare signed into law by President Johnson. (1965) It was part of the Social Security Act of Johnson was the first U.S. president to approve a national health insurance policy.
Requirements Must be a permanent U.S resident. Must have at least 10 years of working history. Must be 65 or older, or permanently disabled. Individuals with end- stage kidney disease who require dialysis or a kidney transplant.
Medicare & Medicaid Took place in Federally funded health care programs. Offers affordable solutions for medical needs. Cover expenses for elderly, disabled, and low in-come Americans.
What is Medicare? Nation's largest health insurance program Enrolled individuals must pay deductibles and no co- payments. Important source of post-retirement health care. Divided into parts.
Parts of Medicare Part A, covers all hospital expenses. Part B, provides standard medical care, doctor bills. Part C, recipients can choose from a package of health care plans. Part D, provides prescription drug coverage for those who choose to buy it.
What is Medicaid? Program for eligible individuals and families with low incomes and resources. Funded by the state and federal governments Managed by states. Largest source of funding for medical and health-related services. fastest growing aspect of Medicaid is nursing home coverage.
President Obama has signed into law health reform legislation The vote on health care overhaul. Not a single Republican supporting the measure. Unconstitutional?
Is it a good idea? About 47 million Americans don’t have insurance. Unaffordable or unavailable. It could be offered more cheaply. Everyone will be covered No one will be denied health care. Extends coverage for young people until 26 through parents insurance.
Is it a bad idea? Unaffordable or unavailable. Health care providers might drop out of the program. Underpaid doctors. Private insurance companies will crash. Taxes will raise. Debt.
Future Outlook U.S will be trillions in debt. Money will need to be paid back. Taxed will continue to raise. Possible removal of Health Care Bill.