Lecturer: Dr. Elisabeth Stern Learning Styles Lecturer: Dr. Elisabeth Stern
Learning Styles Learning Styles describe learner preferences for different types of learning and instructional activities
Steps or Cycle of Learning Concrete Experience (CE) Reflective Observation (RO) Abstract Conceptualization (AC) Active Experimentation (AE)
Concrete Experience Learning by intuition – relating to people Learning from specific experiences Sensitivity to feelings Preferred Learning Situtations Games, role plays, peer feedback, discussion Teacher as coach/helper
Reflective Observer Careful observation before making a judgement Viewing things from different perspectives Introversion – looking inward for meaning Preferred learning situation Lectures, opportunities to take an observer role, objective tests of one‘s knowledge, teacher as guide/task master
Abstract Conceptualization Learning by thinking - deductive thinkingy = acting on the basis of one‘s understanding of a situation Logical analysis of ideas Systematic planning Preferred learning situations Study time alone, theory reading, well-structured presentations, teacher as communicator of information.
Active Experimentation Learning by doing – risk taking strong desire to get things done Extroversion – acting to influence people and events Preferred learning situations Small group discussions, projects and individualized, self-paced learning activities, oportunities to practice and receive feedback, teacher as role model on how to do it.
Culturally preferred Learning Mode Concrete Experience: Latin Americans, (Asians), SEE, Women Abstract Conceptualization: Northern and Central Europeans Reflective Observation: Asian Active Experimentation: USA These cultural trends have been discovered by learning style research. Agree/disagree??