Investigation 10 Date: LT: I can compare and contrast the scale at which geoscience processes occur. Sponge: What are the three types of rocks?


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Presentation transcript:

Investigation 10 Date: LT: I can compare and contrast the scale at which geoscience processes occur. Sponge: What are the three types of rocks?

To Do…

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Investigation 10 Date: LT: I can describe the rock cycle. Sponge: Does an earthquake cause a slow or fast change?

To do… Rock Cycle Rap: GVE6wNAzo GVE6wNAzo

Copy in your index Igneous Rock: formed from cooled magma Metamorphic Rock: formed from heat and pressure Sedimentary Rock: formed from weathered sediments that are compacted and cemented

Quiz Study Guide

Remaining Time… Clear your desk of everything but scissors, glue, and your notebook. Rock Cycle Puzzle Cut your pieces out. Your completed puzzle will be three pieces wide and three pieces tall! Don’t glue until told!

Puzzle Key

Remaining Time Brainpop: Types of Rocks