Comparative and non- comparative study Mundher Al-saaidi Mahmood Al-shamli Salim Al-orimi 90917
comparative study: A Comparative Study of the Effectiveness of an Online and Face-to-Face Technology Applications A Comparative Study of the Effectiveness of an Online and Face-to-Face Technology Applications
Author Kiven Brown, teacher in Minnesota University
The Purpose This study examined pre-service teachers’ attitudes toward technology and their self-evaluation of technological application skills in a technology applications course in two teaching formats: online Face to face
Instrument Pre-test Pre-test Post-test Post-test
Evidence The attitudes of the students toward technology use in the face to face and in the online classes were almost identical both before and after the course. Although no significant changes in terms of students attitudes toward technology use were found, their overall attitudes toward technology use in either type of class showed a very small increase after the course had been taken as compared to before the course. The attitudes of the students toward technology use in the face to face and in the online classes were almost identical both before and after the course. Although no significant changes in terms of students attitudes toward technology use were found, their overall attitudes toward technology use in either type of class showed a very small increase after the course had been taken as compared to before the course.
Non-comparative study Students’ perceptions of using Facebook as an interactive learning resource at university Students’ perceptions of using Facebook as an interactive learning resource at university
Author Ben Desbrow Ben Desbrow
Purpose To examine students’ interaction with the course Facebook pages, as well as perceptions of its utility as a learning resource To examine students’ interaction with the course Facebook pages, as well as perceptions of its utility as a learning resource
Instrument Questionnaires Questionnaires
Evidence students are receptive to incorporating Facebook into their academic lives and perceive benefits through enhanced communication, interaction, and flexibility in course content delivery students are receptive to incorporating Facebook into their academic lives and perceive benefits through enhanced communication, interaction, and flexibility in course content delivery