August 23, 2011
Introductions/Recognitions ◦ Local Officers ◦ Executive committee ◦ Building reps ◦ ISTA: Janet Abrams, Uni-Serve Director ◦ ISTA: Teresa Meredith
Introductions Bargaining Report – Joy Legislation Update: HB 575, Collective Bargaining – Janet Facing the Challenges - Joy Navigating the new Licensure profiles – Teresa Meredith
Between April 18, 2011 and June 20, 2011 NAFCEA made several proposals the purpose of which was to both save positions/programs and garner a contract extension. Each time we proposed insurance concessions and an increment concession that represented approx.$1.7 million in exchange for teacher positions and contract language extensions (April -2016, May -2015, June -2013) Even though the final offer in mid-June met the IDOE interpretation of the contract extension limits, we were told that it was not worth while to sit down and talk unless we agreed to a flat dollar contribution insurance benefit (rather than a percentage concession).
Some teachers have heard rumors that we do not currently have a contract… This is NOT TRUE… ◦ We continue to function under the language of the current Master Contract through June 20, 2012!
Could not have been survived without the constant vigilance and hard work of ISTA and NEA… Locals in Indiana could not supply the man- power, time, or expertise to keep up with the onslaught of legislative changes that were introduced during the 2011 legislature…ISTA was there! United voices of teachers in Indiana DID have an affect - through constant and timely phone calls, s, and town hall meetings
SB 575 – Collective Bargaining (Aug.) SB 1 Teacher Evaluation and Performance (Sept./Oct.) HB1206 Health Insurance (Nov.) HB 1003 Vouchers(Dec.) HB 1002 Charter Schools(Jan.)
Today we will focus on SB 575 Collective Bargaining
Items which MUST STILL be bargained at the expiration of our current contract ◦ Salary and salary/wage related fringe benefits ◦ Wage-related fringe benefits include accident, sickness, health, dental, vision, life, disability, retirement benefits, and all other paid leaves/absences. ◦ A grievance procedure may be bargained. Grievance procedures are permitted to remain in agreements.
Discussion: All items that were previously mandatory subjects of discussion remain, except working conditions. Working conditions were removed as a mandatory subject of discussion; however, there is NO statutory prohibition disallowing the association and administration to agree to discuss working conditions. Added mandatory subjects of discussion include evaluation, safety of employees,students,and hours. Discussion with the administration continues to be the exclusive right of the local association.
Committees: All statutory and locally created committees in the school corporation except bargaining, may not exceed the percent of Association members in the school corporation. By September 15 each year, the local association president must certify the number of teachers in each school and the entire school corporation who are association members.
Thanks to the efforts of our association organization… Indiana still has collective bargaining rights…Wisconsin, Ohio, Tennessee, Michigan, and Idaho do not!
How do we fight for the well-being of students, teachers, and the teaching profession? What can we do? What can you do?
There is strength in having a united voice. There is strength in having the experts from ISTA and NEA working to modify legislation, interpret legislation and file law suits on our behalf. (i.e. Contract form injunction)
Attend 10 minute stand-up meetings in your building once a month ◦ Building reps will bring you info each month – this fall focusing on the remainder of the legislative changes from Spring 2011 ◦ President’s Chats Read s and information distributed by your association ASK questions to learn
Take our united message to the community …face-to-face: monthly talking points ◦ On the ball field ◦ At the dance studio ◦ In our churches ◦ Everywhere Take our positive message to the community… ◦ Show them we care… Receipt total project Volunteer to meet with marketing professor
We must be resolute to support one another!