The Dust Bowl The 1930 ’ s. The Dust Bowl  MYOmjQO_UMw.


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Presentation transcript:

The Dust Bowl The 1930 ’ s

The Dust Bowl  MYOmjQO_UMw

Dust Bowl  What is the dust bowl? –It is a series of destructive ________________ that hit the United States of America in the 1930 ’ s. –( ) –The phrase “ dust bowl ” originated on April 15, 1935 when a reporter called it the dust bowl in one of his written articles. –Also known as the “ ______________ ”

Dust Bowl 2  Where was the dust bowl? –Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas –Soil blew eastward and southward –Most of the soil ended up in the ______________

Dust Bowl 3  What caused the dust bowl? –Severe drought –Extensive farming without adequate crop rotation –______________ –Deep plowing that killed the high grass –High winds –Soil turns to dust

Life during the Dust Bowl  earch?Ntt=The+dust+bowl