Intelligence and Creativity Looking at the relationship between Creativity and Intelligence
Intelligence Defining Intelligence Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test Intelligence Quotient Wechsler Intelligence Scale Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Intelligence
Suppose you are a doctor faced with a patient who has a malignant tumor in his stomach. It is impossible to operate on the patient, but unless the tumor is destroyed, the patient will die. There is a kind of ray that can be used to destroy the tumor. If the rays reach the tumor all at once at sufficiently high intensity, the tumor will be destroyed. Unfortunately, at this intensity the healthy tissue that the waves pass through on the way to the tumor will also be destroyed. At lower intensities the rays are harmless to healthy tissue, but they will not affect the tumor either. What type of procedure might be used to destroy the tumor with the rays, and at the same time avoid destroying the healthy tissue? Question…
What is Creativity? Creativity
How do we define Creativity? Creativity is in all of us! Creativity: The ability to break set—to get out of the traditional mold and find a novel solution to a problem. Break set: come up with unusual, unexpected ideas: use something in a way different from the way in which it is normally used. How do we define Creativity?
Intelligence and Creativity Are Intelligence and Creativity related? Intelligence and Creativity
Creativity and Intelligence The link between creativity and intelligence continues to be debated today There is a divide between those that believe that creativity and intelligence or are distinct mental processes or are part of the same process. However, creativity as an important cognitive process is undisputed. In essence, both creativity and intelligence have to exist in order for us to fully utilize our cognitive potential. Creativity and Intelligence
Creativity and Intelligence Some scientists have found through studies that there is a low correlation between intelligence and creativity. They summarized that the source of creative performance is not correlated with our cognitive abilities but rather our own motivation! Creativity and Intelligence
Can we measure Creativity? Psychologists point out that Intelligence tests do not measure Creativity Creativity has proven to be a little harder to test than IQ so there are fewer scientific testing instruments, but they still exist. Around the 1950s scientists began trying to find a link between creativity and intelligence, but all the published correlations between the two concepts were low enough to justify treating intelligence and creativity as distinct cognitive attributes. Can we measure Creativity?
Evidence continues to mount that those who are creative are often different from the ‘very bright’ as defined by the IQ test. Generally, creative students have IQs that are slightly above average but not necessarily extremely high. Beyond that there seems to be no relationship between IQ and creativity… Creativity
Creativity and Problem Solving Problem Solving involves seeing things in new ways and can involve high levels of creative thinking! This also relates to Scientific Thinking! Creativity and Problem Solving
When trying to solve any problem, there are two basic ways we can think about the possible solution. Convergent and Divergent thinking Convergent: For example, what's the capital of England? Divergent: How would you make a structure to protect an egg from breaking when falling from the top of the school? Problem Solving
Convergent thinking is used when there is a simple, correct answer to a question.. If you knew the answer, you used convergent thinking. Creativity is not relevant to convergent thinking because you don't have to be creative to know the answer to this problem. Convergent Thinking
In contrast, Divergent thinking is the type of thinking we do when solving an abstract or new problem that has many possible answers, solutions, or outcomes. Divergent Thinking
Convergent and Divergent Thinking While convergent thinking is straightforward and simple, divergent thinking is complex. Convergent and Divergent Thinking
Suppose you are a doctor faced with a patient who has a malignant tumor in his stomach. It is impossible to operate on the patient, but unless the tumor is destroyed, the patient will die. There is a kind of ray that can be used to destroy the tumor. If the rays reach the tumor all at once at sufficiently high intensity, the tumor will be destroyed. Unfortunately, at this intensity the healthy tissue that the waves pass through on the way to the tumor will also be destroyed. At lower intensities the rays are harmless to healthy tissue, but they will not affect the tumor either. What type of procedure might be used to destroy the tumor with the rays, and at the same time avoid destroying the healthy tissue? Question…
A general wanted to capture a fortress in the center of a country A general wanted to capture a fortress in the center of a country. The fortress was surrounded by many roads, but the roads had been mined so that only small numbers of troops could safely traverse any road. However, the general had to have all of his forces to successfully capture the fortress. The general sent small numbers of troops down each road of the fortress so that they could converge on the fortress. Let me give you a hint!
The solution to the tumor problem is similar to the general’s problem: Irradiate the tumor from several angles simultaneously with lower intensity rays. The convergence of the rays at the tumor will provide enough intensity to destroy the tumor, but the low intensity radiation passing through the healthy tissue will cause no damage. Problem Solving
Problem solving and creativity 76% of the people receiving this story could solve the tumor problem compared with 8% of the control group who received no analogy Problem solving and creativity
Problem Solving and Creative Thinking You are walking in the desert and find a man lying face down with a pack on his back, dead. How did he die? Ask yes or no questions! Answer: The man’s parachute failed to open after he jumped from an airplane. Problem Solving and Creative Thinking
Problem Solving Support It is often important to view a problem from more than one perspective Prior assumptions concerning data are dangerous Yes/No questions, properly formed, yield high, useful data Details that do not fit expected patterns are often of crucial importance Persistence is a key quality in problem solving By expecting complicated answers, simple ones may be overlooked. Problem Solving Support
Handout Master- 8-1: Problem Solving through riddles
What if I am not creative? Many students will say that they are just not creative. Most likely they do not allow themselves time to be creative. This time for letting an idea form is often called incubation. What if I am not creative?
Incubation in Problem Solving Four Stages Preparation: Information is gathered and initial attempts are made to solve the problem. Incubation: The problem is put aside for some time Illumination: A sudden insight into the solution occurs Verification: The solution is checked to make sure it is correct Incubation in Problem Solving
Handout Master 8-4: Problem Solving Test This will demonstrate the idea of incubation. NOTE: Students who complete assignments at the last minute, without giving even a random thought to it beforehand are NOT taking advantage of incubation.
Factors that hinder creativity and problem solving People will often fail to solve problems because they seldom consider unconventional uses for materials that have a specific function. Functional Fixedness: Inability to use objects, concepts, or tools in a new way. Factors that hinder creativity and problem solving
For example: You enter a room. There are two ropes suspended from the ceiling. You are asked by the experimenter to tie the two ends of the ropes together and are assured that the task is possible. On a nearby table are a few tools, including a hammer and pliers. You grab the end of one of the ropes and walk towards the other rope. You immediately realize that you cannot possibly reach the end of the other rope. You try to extend your reach using the pliers but still cannot grasp the other rope. What can you do? Problem….
Learn to respond in different ways This problem can be solved by using an object in an unconventional way. Remember, creative problem solving involves seeing things in new ways! Create a true equality statement by moving only one matchstick. V=Vll Vl=Xl Xll=Vll Vl=ll Learn to respond in different ways
GET MOTIVATED TO BE CREATIVE Some scientists have found through studies that there is a low correlation between intelligence and creativity. They summarized that the source of creative performance is not correlated with our cognitive abilities but rather our own motivation! VIDEO GET MOTIVATED TO BE CREATIVE