Lecture 8: Ordinary Least Squares Estimation BUEC 333 Summer 2009 Simon Woodcock
From Last Day Recall our population regression function: Because the coefficients (β) and the errors (ε i ) are population quantities, we don’t observe them. Sometimes our primary interest is the coefficients themselves β k measures the marginal effect of variable X ki on the dependent variable Y i. Sometimes we’re more interested in predicting Y i. if we have sample estimates of the coefficients, we can calculate predicted values: In either case, we need a way to estimate the unknown β’s. That is, we need a way to compute from a sample of data It turns out there are lots of ways to estimate the β’s (compute ). By far the most common method is called ordinary least squares (OLS).
What OLS does Recall that we can write: where e i are the residuals. these are the sample counterpart to the population errors ε i they measure how far our predicted values ( ) are from the true Y i think of them as prediction mistakes We want to estimate the β’s in a way that makes the residuals as small as possible. we want the predicted values as close to the truth as possible OLS minimizes the sum of squared residuals:
Why OLS? OLS is “easy” computers do it routinely if you had to do OLS by hand, you could Minimizing squared residuals is better than just minimizing residuals: we could minimize the sum (or average) of residuals, but the positive and negative residuals would cancel out – and we might end up with really bad predicted values (huge positive and negative “mistakes” that cancel out – draw a picture) squaring penalizes “big” mistakes (big e i ) more than “little” mistakes (small e i ) by minimizing the sum of squared residuals, we get a zero average residual (mistake) as a bonus OLS estimates are unbiased, and are most efficient in the class of (linear) unbiased estimators (more about this later).
How OLS works Suppose we have a linear regression model with one independent variable: The OLS estimates of β 0 and β 1 are the values that minimize: you all know how to solve for the OLS estimates. We just differentiate this expression with respect to β 0 and β 1, set the derivatives equal to zero, and solve. The solutions to this minimization problem are (look familiar?):
OLS in practice Knowing the summation formulas for OLS estimates is useful for understanding how OLS estimation works. once we add more than one independent variable, these summation formulas become cumbersome In practice, we never do least squares calculations by hand (that’s what computers are for) In fact, doing least squares regression in EViews is a piece of cake – time for an example.
An example Suppose we are interested in how an NHL hockey player’s salary varies with the number of points they score. it’s natural to think variation in salary is related to variation in points scored our dependent variable (Y i ) will be SALARY_USD our independent variable (X i ) will be POINTS After opening the EViews workfile, there are two ways to set up the equation: 1. select SALARY_USD and then POINTS (the order is important), then right-click one of the selected objects, and OPEN -> AS EQUATION or 2. QUICK -> ESTIMATE EQUATION and then in the EQUATION SPECIFICATION dialog box, type: salary_usd points c (the first variable in the list is the dependent variable, the remaining variables are the independent variables including the intercept c ) You’ll see a drop down box for the estimation METHOD, and notice that least squares (LS) is the default. Click OK. It’s as easy as that. Your results should look like the next slide...
Estimation Results
What the results mean The column labeled “Coefficient” gives the least squares estimates of the regression coefficients. So our estimated model is: USD_SALARY = ( )*POINTS That is, players who scored zero points earned $335,602 on average For each point scored, players were paid an additional $41,801 on average So the “average” 100-point player was paid $4,515,702 The column labeled “Std. Error” gives the standard error (square root of the sampling variance) of the regression coefficients the OLS estimates are functions of the sample data, and hence are RVs – more on their sampling distribution later The column labeled “t-Statistic” is a test statistic for the null hypothesis that the corresponding regression coefficient is zero (more about this later) The column labeled “Prob.” is the p-value associated with this test Ignore the rest for now Now let’s see if anything changes when we add a player’s age & years of NHL experience to our model
Another Example
What’s Changed: The Intercept You’ll notice that the estimated coefficient on POINTS and the intercept have changed. This is because they now measure different things. In our original model (without AGE and YEARS_EXP among the independent variables), the intercept ( c ) measured the average USD_SALARY when POINTS was zero ($335,602) That is, the intercept estimated E(USD_SALARY | POINTS=0) This quantity puts no restriction on the value of AGE and YEARS_EXP In the new model (including AGE and YEARS_EXP among the independent variables), the intercept measures the average USD_SALARY when POINTS, AGE, and YEARS_EXP are all zero ($419,897.8) That is, the new intercept estimates E(USD_SALARY | POINTS = 0, AGE = 0, YEARS_EXP = 0)
What’s Changed: The Slope In our original model (excluding AGE and YEARS_EXP), the coefficient on POINTS was an estimate of the marginal effect of POINTS on USD_SALARY, i.e., This quantity puts no restriction on the values of AGE and YEARS_EXP (implicitly, we are allowing them to vary along with POINTS) – it’s a total derivative In the new model (which includes AGE and YEARS_EXP), the coefficient on POINTS measures the marginal effect of POINTS on USD_SALARY holding AGE and YEARS_EXP constant, i.e., That is, it’s a partial derivative The point: what your estimated regression coefficients measure depends on what is (and isn’t) in your model!