The joints of upper limb
The joints of the girdle of upper limb The joints of free upper limb The sternoclavicular joint: articular disc The acromioclavicular joint The shoulder joint The elbow joint The joints between ulna and radius The joints of hand
Ⅰ The shoulder joint 1 Composition: the head of humerus + the glenoid cavity of the scapula 2 Features head of humerus is big, glenoid cavity is shallow joint capsule is thin and loose. glenoid labrum inferior part of the capsule is lack of ligments and muscles The tendon of the long head of the biceps 3 The movement all flexion and extension adduction and abduction rotation circumduction
Ⅱ The elbow joint 1 Composition the humeroulnar joint humeroradial joint proximal radioulnar joint 2 Features three joints were covered by one joint capsule joint capsule is thin and loose anteriorly and posteriorly ligment radial collateral ligment ulnar collateral ligment annular lig. of radius 3 The movement flexion and extension rotation: pronation and supination
Ⅲ The joints between ulna and radius proximal radioulnar joint distal radioulnar joint Interosseous membrance of forearm
Ⅳ The joints of hand The wrist joint (the radiocarpal joint) Composition: distal end of the radius and the proximal articular surface of the scaphoid,lunate and triquetral Features: articular disc The intercarpal joints The carpometacarpal and intermetacarpal joints The metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints