Case Study Student Name: Jessi Ribble Date: 10/22/2008
Patient: Age: 16 Gender: Male Height: 5’4” Weight: 130 Ibs Vital Signs: HR:72 BPM Respiratory rate: 14 RPM Blood Pressure:120/80 Temperature:98.7 Chief complaint Tooth Pain Medical Alert Heart Murmur Name of Syndrome: Trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome) Cause of Syndrome - Medical History (if applicable) One extra chromosome No. 21
Orofacial Clinical Features gingivoperiodontitis, fissured tongue, hypodontia. Premature loss of teeth, abnormally shaped teeth. Age/race/sex predilections and Systemic Clinical Features: Systemic, Trisomy 21 is generally associated with late maternal age at the time of conception. Clinical features: Slanted eyes Generally shorter than normal Heart abnormalities Radiographic Features of this Syndrome None
Special considerations in Treatment of this patient? How is it Diagnosed? How common is it? Is it a horse or zebra? Down Syndrome can be diagnosed when a Karyotype shows trisomy 21.
Pictures of Disease or Syndrome
Intraoral Pictures
List Sources and References (This should be more than your text book!) Google Images Oral Pathology for the Dental Hygienist