Langston Hughes By Bill Carey
Born Born James Mercer Langston Hughes Born February 1st, 1902
Grandpa Hughes’s grandfather, Lewis Sheridan Leary, was part of John Brown’s Raid in 1859.
College Hughes enrolled in Lincoln University, a historically black university in Pennsylvania.
Early Career His first published work was titled “The Negro Speaks Of Rivers” and it was published in The Crisis.
Communism Hughes, like many other famous people at the time, was accused of being a communist.
Plays Plays such as Hannibal of the Alps by Michael Dinwiddie and Paper Armor by Eisa Davis were written and preformed about Hughes’s life.
Death On May 22, 1967, Hughes died from complications after abdominal surgery. His ashes are buried beneath a floor medallion in the middle of the foyer in the Arthur Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture in Harlem
In Honor The Langston Hughes Memorial Library at Lincoln University has a collection of most of Hughes’s work.