Giving USA 2015 The Annual Report on Philanthropy for the Year 2014
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3 Giving USA 2015 The Annual Report on Philanthropy for the Year 2014 Researched and written by
SOURCE: Giving USA Foundation | GIVING USA The longest running, annual report on U.S. charitable giving Estimates for: – Sources of giving – Amounts received by type of organization Published by Giving USA Foundation TM Begun in 1956 by the American Association of Fundraising Counsel, now The Giving Institute Made possible by contributions from The Giving Institute member firms, foundations, and other donors Researched and written by the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy What is Giving USA?
SOURCE: Giving USA Foundation | GIVING USA contributions: $ billion by source (in billions of dollars – all figures are rounded)
SOURCE: Giving USA Foundation | GIVING USA contributions: $ billion by type of recipient organization (in billions of dollars – all figures are rounded)
SOURCE: Giving USA Foundation | GIVING USA Total giving, (in billions of dollars)
SOURCE: Giving USA Foundation | GIVING USA Trends in total giving, (in billions of dollars)
SOURCE: Giving USA Foundation | GIVING USA Total giving as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product, (in inflation-adjusted dollars, 2014 = $100)
SOURCE: Giving USA Foundation | GIVING USA Total charitable giving graphed with the Standard & Poor's 500 Index, (in billions of inflation-adjusted dollars, 2014 = $100)
SOURCE: Giving USA Foundation | GIVING USA Individual giving as a percentage of disposable personal income, (in current dollars)
SOURCE: Giving USA Foundation | GIVING USA Corporate giving as a percentage of corporate pre-tax profits, (in current dollars)
SOURCE: Giving USA Foundation | GIVING USA All data in this section are reported as estimates, which are subject to revision. The estimates for total charitable giving for the years 2012 and 2013 were revised in this edition from estimates reported in Giving USA To provide the most accurate estimates for charitable giving, as new data become available, Giving USA revises its estimates for at least the last two years. See more about how Giving USA calculates charitable giving by sources and uses in the “Brief summary of methods used” section of this report. 2. Data were provided by the Foundation Center in April 2015 and are subject to revision. Data on giving by and to foundations are available in the Foundation Center’s Key Facts on U.S. Foundations reports, available at the Foundation Center’s website at 3. See the Foundation Center’s Key Facts on Family Foundations reports at 4. Same as note Same as note 1. References
SOURCE: Giving USA Foundation | GIVING USA Same as note “Gross Domestic Product,” Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Department of Commerce, 2015, Table 1.1.5, retrieved April 2015, 8. “S&P 500 Stock Price Index (S&P 500),” Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, FRED® Economic Data, retrieved April 2015, 9. “Personal Income and Its Disposition,” Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Department of Commerce, Table 2.1, retrieved April 2015, These data are in current dollars. Data about corporate pre-tax profits comes from: “Corporate Profits Before Tax by Industry,” Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Department of Commerce, 2015, Table 6.17D, retrieved April 2015, References