AIRS/AMSU-A/HSB Data Subsetting and Visualization Services at GES DAAC Sunmi Cho, Jason Li, Donglian Sun, Jianchun Qin and Carrie Phelps, Code 902, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, The AIRS Data Support Team at GES DAAC is developing tools to read, visualize, analyze and reformat AIRS/AMSU-A/HSB data as well as researching and enhancing various existing software packages to designed to handle the HDF-EOS data format (the AIRS standard format). This poster describes the AIRS data subsetting procedure and visualization tools available at the AIRS Data Support web page at GES DAAC. For Level1B products, sample images created by AIRS QuickLook are provided for a specific channel prior to downloading data. Global map is also provided along with image to show geographic coverage of the granule and flight direction of the spacecraft. Information on AIRS data and data analysis tools can be found at AIRS data support informational web site that provides access to various technical online documents, such as readmes, user’s data product guides, instrument guides, images from AIRS/AMSU-A/HSB data, product search and ordering interfaces, HDF-EOS format information, format conversion software, online data analysis tools, other AIRS related web links and more. Other data support services provided by the ADDST are assist with data mining, helpdesk for user questions on data and information, data ordering, and educational resources. Step 1: Select data product, temporal range and subset type Step 2: Select variables and range of channel (wavelength) Step 3: Review and submit criteria for subsetting Step 4: View sample image from the subsetted file Step 5: Download the subsetted data file and metadata file One can select channels using following options. 1. Type multiple ranges of channel or wavelength. 2. Select channels from the complete list of channels (frequencies). 3. If browser is Java capable, one can specify range of wavelength using atmospheric transmission graph to select AIRS IR channels. The AIRS/AMSU-A/HSB products contain radiance/brightness temperatures from 2401 channels (AIRS IR: 2378, VIS: 4, AMSU-A:15, HSB: 4) and various geophysical atmospheric variables. AIRS online subsetter allows one to download subset of data for only desired channels and variables. Graphical and text- formatted channel/variable selection feature enables user to specify criteria more efficiently. AIRS Data Services at GES DAAC AIRS Online Channel/Variable Subsetter AIRS Visualization Tools The list of variables for specified product is provided. It include geophysical parameters, navigational variables, such as, latitude, longitude, time, scan angle, etc, and QA flags. Click on the provided link to download your subsetted file. For further information on GES DAAC data product support and services for the AIRS and related data sets, please contact the AIRS Data Support Team at Selected criteria will be displayed including complete list of input files, channels, and variables. Estimated output volume is provided and input files can be de-selected at this step. Channel or/and variable subset can be performed for both Level1B and Level2 Data products that are available online AIRS Data Support Team has also developed IDL- based tools for AIRS/AMSU/HSB/VIS Level-1B data visualization. The tools can be classified into two categories: a granule-level visualizer and a multiple- granule stitching tool. The granule-level visualizer inverts brightness temperature from observed radiance (if needed) and allows users to scale the data automatically to achieve optimal use of the IDL color scale. Also provided on the image is a miniature global map to indicate the geographic location of the granule and flight direction of the spacecraft. Furthermore, the visualizer adopts a single pseudo satellite projection to minimize image distortion anywhere on the globe. A visible image of Super Typhoon Fengshen on July 20, 2002, is pictured to the left. This false color composite is produced using AIRS Vis/NIR band 1 (blue), 2 (green) and 3 (red) with spatial resolution of 2.3km x 2.3km at nadir. The corresponding brightness temperature image of the Super Typhoon Fengshen in the AIRS 11 m thermal band is pictured to the right. Fengshen reached Category 5 hurricane status, the most severe hurricane status, on the previous day with sustained winds at 145 knots (167 miles per hour). Granule-level AIRS 11 m brightness temperature images are stitched together and mapped onto a Hammer-Aitoff equal area projection to the left. Only the day-time granules are plotted in this global composite. The multiple-granule stitching tool is useful for obtaining regional or global views of AIRS/AMSU- A/HSB measurements on particular day. In order to get a consistent picture, brightness temperatures are mapped onto a fixed color scale. Finally, like the granule-level visualizer, it allows users to pick any band.