Healthcare Learning Object Metadata Status: Candidate standard The opportunity For organizations that create a lot of learning content and activities, it can be difficult to find the right content when and where it is needed. As a result, learners miss learning opportunities and developers reinvent learning content, increasing the cost of education development. Healthcare LOM provides a standard way to describe learning activities and content, making it easier to catalogue activities and find them. A standards-based approach Standardizing the description for learning activities makes it easier for the disparate organizations in healthcare education to work together. Organizations can work together to form collections of learning resources that work together, allowing learners to search across repositories to find the content that best fits their needs. Systems can automate repository searches to integrate educational resources where they are needed. In addition, Healthcare LOM serves as a foundation piece for other MedBiquitous specifications. It can be used to describe activities in a digital CE certificate (using Activity report) or in an outcomes evaluations report (using Medical Education Metrics). Healthcare LOM can also be used to tie learning activities to competency frameworks. More Information learning_objects/index.html Specifications, schemas, and draft implementation guidelines available. Working Group Members Patti Abbott Trupti Bakrania Ravi Teja Bhupatiraju Gabrielle Campbell Chris Candler Dawn Carroll David Davies Nancy Davis Sharon Dennis Shona Dippie Rachel Ellaway Nancy Gathany Stuart Gilman William Hersh Lorena Hitchens Julie Lambla Tao Le Where Next? The Learning Objects Working Group is refining its implementation guidelines and SCORM for Healthcare guidelines based on participant experience. In addition, the group is examining licensing and privacy requirements around reusable healthcare content. Healthcare LOM standardizes cataloging of health education content making it easier for professionals and patients to find the resources they need while enabling other systems to search and access resources. Healthcare LOM can be used to describe educational activities within digital CE or MoC certificates and evaluation reports. Healthcare LOM also has fields that facilitate linking activities to competency frameworks. References if necessary Learning Objects Working Group Morgan Bantly, Chair ® Joy Leffler Ross Martin Jim Martino Sandra McIntyre Don O'Guin Jennifer Ott Beth Powell Andrew Rabin Dan Rehak Mike Rowan Chris Rueger Jorge Ruiz Deborah Sher Damon Silver Carl Singer Sebastian Uijtdehaage David Ward Charles Willis Walter Wolyniec Health Education Title: Aresenic Toxicity Keyword: Environmental medicine, MeSh D Target audience: Physician, registered nurse Credits:: CME 1.5 AMA PRA Category 1; CNE 1.7 contact hours Database B Title: Preventing sports injuries Target audience: Patient CE Evaluation Evidence based practice Quality improve- ment Inform- atics Patient centered care Competencies