Lau Gatignon
The open session of this meeting was fully dedicated to the AD program with 6 presentations by AEGIS, ACE, GBAR, ASACUSA, ATRAP and ALPHA. Most of the experiments have installed significant upgrades of their apparatus in 2012 and ASACUSA has taken advantage of this to take more beam shifts than in other years. AEGIS managed to install successfully its baseline apparatus and to commission it with pbars and positrons. ACE has successfully completed its data-taking and is now working on the analysis to better understand remaining discrepancies between different datasets and between various versions of FLUKA. GBAR is working very actively on commissioning and refining its techniques (mostly in the home institutes) and has made very significant progress. The SPSC is now looking forward to their CDR.
S.Maury, IEFC Summary SPSC1083 AEgIS
S.Maury, IEFC Summary SPSC1084
ATRAP reported on a very precise (10 -6 ) measurement of the antiproton magnetic moment, with potential for a further improvement by a factor of 10 3 or This is at the same level of precision as proposed by the new BASE LoI. However, due to unforeseen problems with Silver Titanium welds and with a leak on their new cryostat, only little progress could be made with the anti-Hydrogen physics. BASE submitted a TDR and expects to start data-taking at the AD immediately after LS1. However, before recommending this proposal for approval, some questions remain to be answered, in particular the manpower estimate at CERN. However, in view of the competition with ATRAP, there is a need for a fast decision.
S.Maury, IEFC Summary SPSC1086
ASACUSA improved very significantly their anti-protonic Helium measurements and their spectral resolution in two-photon transitions. In addition they continued improving their CUSP set-up (anti-Hydrogen physics) and the nuclear collision cross section measurements at much lower energies down to 130 keV. ALPHA has installed their new trap “ALPHA-2” as well as their new magnet. Unfortunately a leak prevented them from cold operation. All AD experiments need cooling water, as well as liquid Helium and electricity quasi-continuously during LS1. The SPSC supports these requests.
A proposal for a short base line sterile neutrino search in the North Area has been proposed a year ago and there is very active work on-going at CERN to look into this. They plan for first physics in The near detector would be housed in an extension downstream of EHN1 and the far detector at the very end of the CERN site. The long baseline experiment LAGUNA would be much later, but recently Finland has announced that they cannot financially commit to hosting the far detector. The SPSC supports the physics case of both projects and encourages the collaborations to look for synergies and the creation of a joint working group for e.g. detector development and reconstruction software. For the SBL the SPSC requests a comprehensive TDR document, including a detailed breakdown of costs and resources. The SPSC recommends that the impact on the availability of the NA beams for physics and test beams remains at a level lower than or similar to that of CNGS.
L.Gatignon, IEFC Summary SPSC1089
L.Gatignon, IEFC Summary SPSC10810
L.Gatignon, IEFC Summary SPSC10811
The committee was presented with progress on numerous aspects of the AWAKE project for the study of proton driven plasma wakefield acceleration. They are now very seriously considering CNGS as a (better) location for the experiment. This would require the CNGS proton beam to remain operational. A CDR is expected before the next SPSC meeting.
E. Gschwendtner 13 Laser for seeding TI:sapphire Plasma Cell El. Spect. detector El. Spect. magnet RF gun + space for handling Power supply laser RF Gun cooling 5m*4.5m*3.5m 0.5m*0.5m*1.5m 1m*1m*0.3m 1.6m*2m*1m 10m*1m*0.5m 2.6m*1.2m*1.5m 3m*1m*1m 0.7m*0.7m*0.7m Primary pump laser Junction laser system and proton 0.5m*0.5m*0.5m Optic table 1.2m*1.8m*1.5m Plasma Optic table 1m*1m*1.5m Rack 0.9m*0.6m*2.2m OTR screen 0.5m*0.5m*1m OTR screen 0.5m*0.5m*1m 0.7m*0.7m*0.7m Pump turbo plasma Camera 0.5m*0.3m*1m 1.2m*3.6m*1.5m Klystron Laser RF gun Power supply Laser diagnostic SAS DIPOLE 6m*1m*1m SAS Laser dump Secondary beam diagnostics (p+) CNGS – AWAKE Facility
NA61 has successfully started the ion runs, both in December and January. The CHIC EoI for a new ion experiment will not be considered before it is backed up by a realistic collaboration. The DIRAC experiment has completed its data-taking and is being dismantled. The NA62 Technical Run has gone very well with special mention by the referees of the beam operation. OPERA is expected to send the official decision on their future very soon. ICARUS is preparing for shipping their detector to CERN later this year.
L.Gatignon, IEFC Summary SPSC10815