Using the framework to ground decisions in the quality of teacher practice.
CompletionPreliminary Recommendations Begin Final Recommendation Deadline Final Recommendation Deadline for Superintendents March 2012NAOctober 2011December 2011January 2012 April 2012NANovember 2011January 2012February 2012 May 2012 November 14-23, 2011 December 2011February 2012March 2012 June 2012January 2012March 2012April 2012 July 2012 February 1, 2012April 30, 2012May 31, 2012 August 2012 September 2012 October 2012
Principals should submit a 1-3 paragraph statement placing the evidence and final recommendation in context of the teacher’s larger service record-describing the consistency of the teacher’s current level of practice, and its development over time. Principals should address the teacher’s level of practice in three core categories: IMPACT ON STUDENT LEARNING, INSTRUCTIONAL PRACTICE, PROFESSIONAL CONTRIBUTIONS.
TWO sets of data that demonstrate the impact of teacher practice on student achievement. Data should illustrate the performance of the majority of a teacher’s students: √ Achievement for the full range of students including subgroups √ Measure growth/progress over time; connected to baseline √ Assess mastery of specific skills and/or standards
Progress in reading comprehension as measured by a recognized/standardized evaluation tool (Gates-MacGinitie, Achieve 3000 Lexile Levels, …) Integrated Algebra Regents results compared to NYS Math Test results Student work evaluated against a rubric illustrating acquisition of a specific skill/standard Teacher Data Reports
TWO written classroom observations that are indicative of the teacher's practice over the course of their probationary period and aligned to their rating history. √ Observations should have connections demonstrating growth √ Observations should demonstrate quality teaching through causal relationships
Students worked collaboratively in groups based on the December baseline for this unit. Group members discussed their approaches to solving the math problem, explained their reasoning, and defended their work. Students were therefore challenged to re-examine their own reasoning. When three students in group B asked a fourth student to explain and support her ideas, she questioned her own understanding of the concept as she spoke resulting in the surfacing a misunderstanding and new learning. Hearing one student's logic prompts the other students to consider alternative interpretations. When one student has an insight about how to solve a difficult problem, the others in the group learn how to use a new thinking strategy sooner than if they had worked on their own. Thus, students engaged in interaction often exceed what they can accomplish by working independently.
ONE sample that illustrates notable service (above and beyond the job description/ expectations). √ Parent or student feedback √ Colleague feedback √ Work products that benefit the community √ Staff Activities √ Student Activities √ Parent Activities
Teachers should continue to gather data in all three areas of the rubric beyond what is required to submit; superintendents have the right to request additional evidence Decisions about what should be pulled and forwarded to the superintendent as evidence that tenure has been earned can and should be done jointly If in doubt, consult with the network staff before making a final decision