Fruits and Vegetables and Ovarian Cancer Publication Koushik, A., et al. Fruits and vegetables and ovarian cancer risk in a pooled analysis of 12 cohort studies. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2005;14(9):
Koushik et al, 2005 Swedish Mammography Cohort Nurses’ Health Study, Nurses’ Health Study II, Women’s Health Study Netherlands Cohort Study New York State Cohort Iowa Women’s Health Study Canadian National Breast Screening Study Cohort studies in the pooled analysis of fruits and vegetables and ovarian cancer Cancer Prevention Study II Nutrition Cohort Adventist Health Study New York University Women’s Health Study Breast Cancer Detection Demonstration Project Follow-up Study Total cohort size=560,441 Total # of cases = 2,130
Koushik et al, 2005 Cohort studies in the pooled analysis of fruits and vegetables and ovarian cancer Study Follow-upYearsBaselineCohort # Cases Adventist Health Study ,40253 Breast Cancer Detection , Canadian National , Cancer Prevention Study II , Iowa Women’s , Netherlands Cohort , New York State ,55077 New York University ,40165 Nurses’ Health (a) , Nurses’ Health (b) , Nurses’ Health II ,50252 Swedish Mammography , Women’s Health Study ,466104
Koushik et al, 2005 Median fruit and vegetable intakes (grams/day) Study Total Fruits Total Vegetables Adventist Health Study Breast Cancer Detection Canadian National Cancer Prevention Study II Iowa Women’s Netherlands Cohort New York State New York University Nurses’ Health (a) Nurses’ Health (b) Nurses’ Health II Swedish Mammography Women’s Health Study
Koushik et al, 2005 Fruits and Vegetables and Ovarian Cancer: Pooled Multivariate RR by Quartile Quartile Total Fruits Total Veg. RR (95% CI) RR (95% CI) ( ) 1.07 ( ) ( ) 0.96 ( ) ( ) 0.90 ( ) p for trend p for het. for Q
Koushik et al, 2005 Study-specific pooled multivariate RRs of ovarian cancer and fruit intake (Quartile 4 vs. 1)
Koushik et al, 2005 Study-specific pooled multivariate RRs of ovarian cancer and vegetable intake (Quartile 4 vs. 1)
Koushik et al, 2005 Pooled multivariate RRs of ovarian cancer and categories of fruit intake
Koushik et al, 2005 Pooled multivariate RRs of ovarian cancer and categories of vegetable intake
Koushik et al, 2005 Pooled multivariate RRs of ovarian cancer and botanically defined groups GroupRR (95% CI) Compositae0.86 ( ) Cruciferae 0.95 ( ) Cucurbitaceae 1.07 ( ) Leguminosae 0.90 ( ) Rosaceae 1.02 ( ) Rutaceae 0.99 ( ) Solanacea 0.94 ( ) Umbelliferae 0.96 ( )
Koushik et al, 2005 Pooled multivariate RRs of ovarian cancer and specific fruits FoodWeight ofRR (95% CI) one serving Apples, pears138 g1.03 ( ) Bananas114 g1.04 ( ) Cantaloupe134 g1.55 ( ) Grapefruit120 g1.00 ( ) Oranges131 g0.98 ( ) Peaches 87 g1.00 ( ) Fruit juices190 g0.99 ( ) Increment = 1 serving/day
Koushik et al, 2005 Pooled multivariate RRs of ovarian cancer and specific vegetables FoodWeight ofRR (95% CI) one serving Broccoli 78 g0.89 ( ) Brussels sprouts 78 g1.01 ( ) Cabbage 68 g1.01 ( ) Carrots 57 g1.02 ( ) Lettuce, Salad 56 g0.93 ( ) Peas, lima beans 80 g1.17 ( ) String beans 68 g0.82 ( ) Spinach 73 g1.01 ( ) Tomatoes, tomato juice 122 g0.91 ( ) Yams, sweet potatoes 128 g1.08 ( ) Increment = 1 serving/day
Koushik et al, 2005 Pooled multivariate RRs of ovarian cancer and fruits and vegetables by histology HistologicalRR (95% CI) p-value for typeinteraction Total fruits All histologies1.00 ( ) All histologies1.00 ( ) Serous1.01 ( ) Endometrioid1.01 ( ) 0.81 Mucinous1.03 ( ) Total vegetables All histologies0.98 ( ) All histologies0.98 ( ) Serous0.98 ( ) Endometrioid1.06 ( ) 0.16 Mucinous1.10 ( )