Managing Diverse Employees in a Diverse Environment By Kelly, Damian and Josh
What is Diversity? Differences among people in age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic background, and capabilities/disabilities.
Does Diversity lead to Discrimination? In many cases, yes. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics half of all murder victims are white, but 4 out of 5 executions involve white victims. 80% of all minorities were put to death for killing whites, while only 13% of whites were put to death for killing minorities.
Consequences of Discrimination Lawsuits Bad reputation Employees quitting Loss of money
MetLife Charged higher premiums for minorities Could have to pay up to $90 million for settlement Will donate up to $5 million to United Negro College Fund
Summary Although, diversity in the workforce can create discrimination, it has improved from our past history. Businesses are doing what they can to make up for past inequities. Though discrimination causes many problems, the evolution of a diverse workforce leads to the culmination of new ideas, skills, and a competitive advantage over homogenous companies.
Deliberation What can companies do to decrease discrimination within the work environment? What are some of your personal encounters with discrimination? What are some other advantages about having a diverse workforce?