F ASCIOLA H EPATICA Amy Liberio Heather Peters
F ASCIOLA HEPATICA One of the world’s largest fluke Worm: 30 mm x 13 mm Distinguishable from other faciolidae by: Oral cone “Shoulders” Widening of body at base of oral cone Highly branched ceca
G EOGRAPHICAL D ISTRIBUTION Worldwide (excluding Antarctica) Where sheep or cattle are raised
H OSTS Definitive host: sheep, cattle Accidental host: humans Intermediate hosts: snails
M ORPHOLOGICAL F ORMS Fluke (worm) Eggs Micracidium Sporocyst Rediae Cercariae Metacercaria Hermaphroditic
Metacercariae ingested Young flukes released from cyst in digestive tract Adult fluke moves to bile ducts Eggs are released and passed in feces Eggs develop in water and hatch miracidium Miracidium penetrates snail Mother sporocyst produce daughter rediae Daughter rediae produce cercariae Cercariae released in water Cercariae encyst and become metacercariae
I NFECTION AND S IGNS Symptoms: Gastrointestinal problems: Nausea Vomiting Abdominal pain/tenderness Fever Rash Difficulty breathing Anemia Migrating juveniles can produce ulcers in eyes, brain, skin and lungs o Can eventually lead to Fascioliasis
D IAGNOSIS AND T REATMENT o Diagnosis: o Eggs in stool sample (after a few months) o Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) o Antibodies in blood sample o Treatment: o Prescription drugs o Rafoxanide o Trichlabendazole o No vaccine
E CONOMIC IMPORTANCE Huge issue in cattle and sheep industries Lowered productivity Lowered fertility Lowered quality of animal products
P REVENTION & C ONTROL Control growth and sale of watercress and other water plants Avoid potentially contaminated water and/or food Cook vegetables well that were possibly grown with contaminated water
R EVIEW What is a definitive host for F. Hepatica? What are a few symptoms? What morphological form is considered infective? What is one way to prevent infection?