We now will check the bullet for the 200 Items per page.
The larger listing of 200 citations is useful in low-bandwidth situations. These Abstract(s) are Sort(ed) by Most Recent.
We now will open the Sort by Relevance option from the drop down menu with the Summary and 200 per page options. Note: The relevance sort order is based on an algorithm that analyzes each PubMed citation. For each search query, "weight" is calculated depending on how many search terms are found and in which fields they are found plus a higher weight for recently-published articles.
Another useful choice is the Sort by Publication Date option as this lists the citations by latest date of publication
A final option for accessing the full-text article is to use the PubMed ID #. In HINARI/PubMed, enter the ID number in the search box. The abstract version will be displayed. If this article is a free full text or HINARI article, the icon/link will be in the top right corner of the page.
From the Send To drop down menu, we will be able to select the File, Collections, Order, Clipboard, and other options.
You must place check marks in the boxes to the left of the citations that you wish to send to File, Collections, Order, Clipboard and options. Note the Selected 4 text. If you do not place check marks in the boxes, the entire search will be sent to the option you choose.
From the Send To drop down menu, we will click on File, with the Abstract and Most Relevance options. This will be a document to be downloaded from your Search.
The pubmed_results (1) has displayed as a.txt file at the bottom of this web browser. We will use Notepad to display the file. Note: This screen is displayed using Google Chrome. In other web browsers, the save files may be displayed in different places.
We now view the text from a downloaded.txt file in Notepad. You can save this file to the C:/ drive or a flash drive or a CD-Rom. Once saved, you can print the document. Note: these are the citations of the articles. Now you can go to the HINARI Journals Collection A-Z list to access the full-text articles.
From the Send To drop down menu, we have selected to E- mail a file, with the Summary and Most Recent options. This will be a document to be sent to the address you entered as the recipient.
In the above message, PubMed has noted that an has been sent to the address you entered as the recipient.
The Collections option is useful and will be discussed in the MY NCBI Module (HINARI Advanced Course Module 2)
Single Citation Maker We will look at the Single Citation Matcher option. Note also that there is a Batch Citation Matcher option
In the Single Citation Matcher, we have entered HINARI in the Title words box and clicked on Search.
Using these search terms in the Single Citation Matcher has resulted in 10 citation.
Returning to the initial PubMed page, we briefly will discuss the various training resources listed in the Using PubMed box. Note that the resources range from a Quick Start Guide to FAQs and numerous PubMed Tutorials. Remember that these resources are for general PubMed, not PubMed/HINARI.
Basic Course Module 4 There is a workbook to accompany this part of the module. It will take you through a live session covering the topics included in this module. Updated