Past Progressive (Continuous) Прошедшее длительное время Глаголы выражают действия, которые происходили в точно указанный момент в прошлом.
Утвердительные предложения To be: Was Were V ing
AT THAT MOMENT IN THE PAST 1. Точное указание времени. At 6 o’clock yesterday. Linda was watching TV at 6 o’clock yesterday. 2. Другой глагол в Past Simple. When her friend came. Linda was watching TV when her friend came.
Отрицательные предложения Was Were V ing I He She It YOU We They not
Вопросительные предложения Was Wer e V ing I He She It YOU We They ?
Use the verbs in brackets in the Past Progressive. 1.She (wash up) yesterday morning. 2.Peggy (write) a story at 7 o’clock last night. 3.They (pick up) wood when we came. 4.We (sing) songs at 8 o’clock last Sunday. 5.I (read) a book when she called. 6.When we came, she (sleep). 1. She was washing up yesterday morning. 2. Peggy was writing a story at 7 o’clock last night. 3. They were picking up wood when we came. 4. We were singing songs at 8 o’clock last Sunday. 5. I was reading a book when she called. 6. When we came, she was sleeping.
Disagree. 1. She was washing up yesterday morning. 2. Peggy was writing a story at 7 o’clock last night. 3. They were picking up wood when we came. 4. We were singing songs at 8 o’clock last Sunday. 5. I was reading a book when she called. 6. When we came, she was sleeping. 1. She was not washing up yesterday morning. 2. Peggy was not writing a story at 7 o’clock last night. 3. They were not picking up wood when we came. 4. We were not singing songs at 8 o’clock last Sunday. 5. I was not reading a book when she called. 6. When we came, she was not sleeping.