NA-MIC National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Measuring Alcohol and Stress Interactions with Structural and Perfusion MRI Chris Wyatt External Collaboration
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Size comparison of human, rhesus, and cynomolgus brain. Introduction Our goal is to use MRI to examine the effects of chronic alcohol self-administration on brain structure and function in a group of monkeys that have been mother-reared or nursery- reared. –Jim Daunais (WFUHS PI) –Bob Kraft (WFUHS MR Physicist) –Chris Wyatt (VT Engineering) –Killian Pohl (NA-MIC Core 1) Macaca mulatta (rhesus) 1:11:2.3 1:3
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing NA-MIC Related Goal Implement and validate algorithms for: –brain extraction –white-gray matter segmentation –subcortical structure segmentation Size comparison of human, rhesus, and cynomolgus brain.
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Methods Approximate Brain Extraction Initial GM/WM/CSF Segmentation Bias Correction Deformable Registration of Priors * EM Segmenter in Slicer 2.x * Rhesus template and atlas graciously provided by Martin Styner and collaborators
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Results: Tutorial Slicer 2.x EM Segmenter tutorial similar to the existing one Uses template/atlas created from our data (N=17) Subject image has been bias corrected and the priors registered
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Results: pre-post induction Comparison of alcohol naive and post- drinking induction (7 animals) No significant change in GM/WM ratio
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Results: Other ages/species Using data from similar projects we have also developed atlases for –young rhesus macaque –cynomolgus macaque Have applied EM Segmenter in Slicer 2.x as well. Macaca fascicularis (cynomolgus)
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Future: Vervet model The animals for this project were divided into multiple serial cohorts from a separate project. That project has switched to a vervet animal model. So we will begin again with a vervet model in March. Chlorocebus aethiops (vervet)
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Future: Improved Imaging This gives us a chance to address some of the imaging issues. –new custom coil much better uniformity –optimized GM/WM contrast (CNR ~ 7.5)
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Planned Products Acquisition of baseline vervet images for atlas development - March 08 Vervet atlas completed - June 08 Training and Induction 3-4 months ad-lib access for 12 months Final structural scans ~August 2009
National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Acknowledgements NIH/NIAAA R01AA –PI Jim Daunais WFUHS NIH/NIDA R01DA –PI Linda Porrino WFUHS The lobar parcellation atlas was provided by the UNC Neuro Image Analysis Laboratory and the UWisc Harlow Primate Laboratory. The following grants are acknowledge for support UNC NDDRC HD 03110, NIH AI067518, National Alliance for Medical Image Computing U54 EB