Myers Briggs
Myers Briggs Personality Sorter win/JTypes1.htm win/JTypes1.htm Mother/daughter developed the MBTI from the theories of Carl Jung They began creating the indicator during World War II, believing that a knowledge of personality preferences would help women who were entering the industrial workforce for the first time World War II World War II
In Teams Understand your own type Understand the other types in your team Learn to get the most out of your relationship and each other
T People Makes decisions based on logic Makes decisions based on analysis and principles Trusts Logic Finds flaws, criticises Places premium on fairness F People Make decisions based on what they like or don’t like, their values, or the impact of their decision on others Trusts personal reactions Good at understanding people
J People Decisive planned and organised Likes being decisive Works best when following a plan Likes to schedule and plan Likes definite order and structure P People Lifestyle is flexible Enjoys surprises Energised by deadlines Likes going with the flow Able to tolerate ambiguity
E People Energised by being with others ExternalSociable Thinks best when talking with people Does best work externally in action I People Attention focused inwards Energised by being alone Reflects Interests have depth
S People Takes information using the 5 senses Lives in the present, enjoys what is there Likes concrete Learns sequentially N People Looks at patterns and relationships Deals with possibilities Trusts theory more than experience Learns by seeing connections, jumps in anywhere