Why Learn With Technology?
What kinds of skills do students need?
Lower income students use computers more often for repetitive practice, whereas higher- income students use computers more often for more sophisticated intellectually complex applications Henry Jay Becker “Who’s Wired and Who’s Not: Children’s Access to and Use of Computer Technology” Children and Computer Technology, Vol. 10, No. 2 Fall/Winter, 2000
Old and New Skills: Communicating Collaborating Judging Knowing
New 21st Century skill: Interpreting images and sounds in historical, scientific, aesthetic or imaginative contexts Old 21st Century skill: Using images, sounds and animation effects as raw material for communication purposes Communicating
New 21st Century skill: Taking responsibility for differentiated roles and tasks Old 21st Century skill: Expanding the pool of collaborators to include people outside the classroom Collaborating
New 21st Century skill: Learning coherent standards to evaluate information Old 21st Century skill: Applying different criteria to evaluate multiple sources of information produced for different purposes Judging
New 21st Century skill: Learning to understand a predefined canon in various disciplines via textbooks Old 21st Century skill: Learning how to construct knowledge from a fluid set of “building blocks” available online Knowing