Welcome to 8 th grade! Mrs. Steele Language Arts 8Blue
Day 1 – Seating Sit in birthday order so that the person with the birthday closest to January 1 sits in Seat 1. The year you were born doesn't matter. Don't skip seats. Don’t cheat – I have a list of your birthdays!!! When everyone is seated, the student in Seat 5 will raise his or her hand and report that the class is ready to begin.
All Around the Clock three appointments three different times three different people – you can’t make An appointment with someone more than once!!! one person per appointment two minutes to make appointments! Then what?
Curriculum- Common Core Standards 1 st quarter Unit: Who Am I? Self Identity – Literary response – poetry response (PQP) – narrative writing – Novel: The House on Mango Street – Speaking/Listening (discussions) – We will explore the theme of self identity through a variety of short stories, poems, non- fiction, art, music, movie, discussions, picture books
Do I need to bring anything to class EACH day?
Materials required EVERY day: Agenda – you are required to utilize your agenda DAILY AR book Language Arts Notebook (composition or spiral notebook) Pencil/pen (blue or black ink) Pocket folder with brads OR a 3-ring binder with sections for each class POSITIVE ATTITUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Will I have homework??
What is expected of you? A minimum of 20 minutes of reading EVERY night!!!!! (Yes, even Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) Other assignments will be given periodically 10% of your overall grade
How do I know what the homework is each night? You can figure out what your homework is by looking at the homework board HINT: WRITE IT DOWN IN YOUR AGENDA!!!!!!
Where do I turn in my assignments?
Complete Assignments Make sure your name is on your paper before turning in I will ask for assignments – do not put them anywhere but in my hands or the hands of the student responsible for collecting the assignments
How do I know what I am expected to learn as well as what we are doing each day? LEARNING GOAL/AGENDA
AGENDA/OBJECTIVE You can find Learning Goal (what you are responsible for learning) along with activities and assignments on the white board HINT: This is what you should be writing in your agenda!!!
Missed work It is YOUR responsibility to see me before or after class to get any work that you missed! You have the exact number of days you were absent to make up work without penalty.
LATE WORK 20% reduction (1-10 days) After 10 days, there will be a significant reduction in your grade or a zero You will be required to complete ALL assignments – you will be held accountable for your work during Academic Lab and tutoring Late work must be turned in to the late work tray on my desk
What if I need HELP?
If you need extra help: Don’t hesitate to ask questions! I am available by appointment during lunch, as well as before or after school Don’t wait until the last minute to have your questions answered!
GRADING POLICY standards-based the grade book will consist of fewer grades - helps us determine whether or not you have mastered the language arts standards Each quarter, the categories will change to reflect the standards Under each category, there will be only one or two assessments that will test student mastery and depth of knowledge You will practice and receive feedback on progress before you are required to complete the assessment for a grade.
Retaking Tests/Quizzes If you fail a test, you may retake the test one time! In order to retake a test, you MUST show me that you have studied and understand the material. There will be a list of ideas to help you prepare for your retake. You will be given the higher grade!
What if I finish my work early? Can I just run around the room and disrupt everyone else????
What Do I Do Next? Activities Read your AR book Work on unfinished assignments
IF YOU NEED… Procedures
If you need a pencil or paper: DO NOT ask me first. Quietly ask your classmates if they have an extra pencil or piece of paper. DO NOT just sit there and assume one will fall from the sky – be PROACTIVE!
IFYOU NEED A BOOK to read You may borrow one from my personal library Please be respectful and return the books to the shelf
If you need to go to the RESTROOM: 1.QUIETLY get up and ask me when teaching or discussion time ends – DO NOT interrupt me during instruction – the answer will be NO!!! 2.Bring me your bathroom pass. 3.Sign out on the bathroom sign-in/sign-out sheet. 4.QUIETLY leave the room. 5.QUIETLY return to the room and sit back down. You will be given a bathroom pass each quarter. You may use this pass three times per quarter.
If you need to KNOW YOUR GRADE: You may ask me what your grade is before or after class ONLY Progress reports go out at four and seven weeks
If you need other MATERIALS or a TISSUE: You may get up and get any materials as long as you do it quietly and it is NOT during instruction time!
If you need to SHARPEN YOUR PENCIL: Sharpen BEFORE class OR when teaching or discussion time is NOT taking place
If you need HELP: DO NOT get out of your seat and follow me around! Quietly ask a neighbor for help. If you still need help, RAISE YOUR HAND and continue working until I am able to assist you. DO NOT YELL out my name!!!!
Does it really matter if I am tardy?
OF COURSE !!!! What happens? Cheeks must be in the chair by the second bell and you must be ready to begin class or you are tardy!!! You get one warning
After your warning, you go to RTC every time you are tardy So... BE ON TIME!!!!
How should I enter the room? QUIETLY – no horseplay, yelling running BE IN YOUR SEAT and READY TO LEARN when the bell rings Have your AR book out and be ready to read – you will have 1 minute to get your book out and start reading
Can I pack up 5 minutes before the bell rings?
What do you think??? Of course not! (unless you want to owe me that time during your lunch period or passing time) You must continue working until I tell you to pack up! The bell doesn’t dismiss you – I DO! You must remain in your seat! DO NOT line up at the door!!!!!! If you do, you will owe me that time and be the last one to leave.
Do I have to put my name on my assignments????
Only if you want credit for your hard work. All assignments should have the following in the upper right hand corner: Name Date Period
CLASSROOM RIGHTS It is your right, as a student, to exercise your responsibilities to respect the rights of others so that they may receive the education they deserve! You DO NOT have the right to interfere with the education of others! If you choose NOT to respect the rights of others, there will be consequences!
RTC Responsible Thinking Center
Disruptions include: talking when you’re not supposed to be (during AR reading, writing time, etc.) making inappropriate noises distracting others in any way
I am looking forward to a great year!
EXIT SLIP On the exit slip, write the following: 1)One question you still have about Language Arts 2) One thing you are looking forward to in LA this year