Center for the Visual & Performing Arts
Superstar Creates "Buzz Worthy" Art For Fairchild Challenge Congratulations to Amber Nolan who placed Top 10 in the middle school division of this year's Fairchild Global Challenge. What distinguishes her artwork from other entries is that Amber created a multistage rendition of the pollination process within the same frame. Amber's artwork is currently on display at Fairchild and Southwood is extremely proud of her accomplishment and dedication to this year's Fairchild Challenge!
Congratulations to Maya Pacheco Recipient of Best in Category for the “Young Talent Big Dreams” competition. Maya is a Drama Magnet student who also studies Percussion, and she won in the group instrumental category. Playing percussion is very important to a musical theater student, timing can be essential for executing a good musical theater performance.
8 th Grade T-Shirts Only $10 Sold in Bookstore Tuesday & Thursday 8:30-9:00 AM
Friday, May 27 Wednesday, June 3 8 th Grade Dance 7:00-10:30 PM Principal’s Honor Roll Luncheon 2:00 PM
Center for the Visual & Performing Arts