Semi-Annual Audit Form 1295 Available on the Supreme web site Due by February 15 for the July to December period Due by August 15 for the January to June period. Treasurer and Financial Secretary provide books, receipts and vouchers. Trustees conduct audit and prepare Form 1295 Grand Knight oversees audit Section A can be omitted if the council uses Member Management/Member Billing
Check that receipts have been issued for all transactions (cash and cheques) and that they match the report of receipts to the Treasurer Check that a voucher exists for each cheque and that voucher details match cheque details You are looking for discrepancies. If the council officers cannot explain the figures on their audits or in their books then you must help them correct their finances. Give the council 30 days to fix their problems and if they don’t then report your findings to the State Deputy.
Types of Accounts: General Account Charity Account AGCO (Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario) Lottery or CDTA Trust Account Bingo Account Nevada Account Savings Account Councils must, at minimum, have a General Account and Charity Account