the domestic automotive sales fell by 26.4% compared to that of 2008, reaching as low as the level of the production fell by 28.3% to 1.5 million units from 2.1 million units in the exports fell by 26.4%. the principal export destination continued to be the United States, with 70.8% of the total exports. automotive production by Japanese manufactures fell by 19.0%, with much better performance than that of other foreign manufactures. sales of Japanese automobiles fell by 24.4%. MEXICO ‘S AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY OVERVIEW, 2009 In 2009, in the difficult circumstances with global economic downturn, in Mexico, 1
2 MEXICO TOTAL VEHICLE SALES, EXPORTS AND PRODUCTION 2007, 2008 and 2009 Source: Mexican Automotive Industry Association (AMIA) * Automobiles and light trucks SALES ExportsTotal Production* Retail SalesWhole Sales ,099,8661,076,9031,613,3132,022, ,025,520928,0861,661,4062,102, ,918723,4231,223,3331,507,527 Mexico’s Secretary of Economy Representative Office in Japan Embassy of Mexico Tel:
3 Production of Japanese Car Companies Manufacturing in Mexico HondaNissanToyotaTotal* ,374498,28832,249556, ,253449,44749,879550, % change 94.3%-9.8%54.7%-1.1% ,728355,41442,696445, % change -6.9%-20.9%-14.4%-19.0% Source: AMIA * Automobiles and light trucks In 2009, Japanese car companies were responsible for 30% of Mexico’s total automobile production.
4 Exports of Japanese Car Companies Established in Mexico HondaNissanToyotaTotal* ,755314,26932,249362, ,037281,03949,879364, % change 116.0%-10.6%54.7%0.7% ,829225,72642,696305, % change 8.0%-19.7%-14.8%-16.4% Source: AMIA * Automobiles and light trucks In 2009, Japanese car companies manufacturing in Mexico accounted for 25% of the country's automobile exports.
5 Exports of Japanese Car Companies Established in Mexico by Destined Market in 2009 HondaNissanToyota AutomobilesPick-upsAutomobilesPick-ups -33,620178,8982,68038, ,167177,184138, , ,45320,8572, , , Americas North Central & Carib South Asia Europe Not Specified Total 33,620208,57838,886 Source: AMIA
6 Retail Sales of Japanese Car Companies in Mexico AcuraHonda Isuzu ** Mazda ** Mitsubishi Nissan Subaru ** Suzuki **ToyotaTotal* ,85252, ,60417,666214, ,70066,208375, ,13254, ,99716,804212,0221,0768,00463,306380, % change 15.1%2.2%360.2%32.5%-4.9%-1.0%53.1%40.4%-4.4%1.1% ,94235, ,91414,320156, ,09551,991287, % change -8.9%-34.9%23.5%-14.0%-14.8%-26.3%-11.4% -17.9%-24.4% Source: AMIA * Automobiles and light trucks ** New entrants in Mexico as a result of the EPA quota system In 2009, Japanese automobile brands increased their share to 38% in the Mexican car market.
7 Import Quota for Japanese Car Manufacturers (General Tariff will be eliminated in April 2011) (Unit: vehicles) * EPA quotas are given for units equivalent to 5% of the total sales in the previous year ** Mitsubishi uses quotas allocated to Daimler Source: Mexico ’ s Secretary of Economy Company M-J EPA Quota * Established in Mexico45,270 43,694 n.a. Nissan23,02922,82122,137n.a. Honda8,6528,6558,298n.a. Toyota6,4876,5436,289n.a. Mitsubishi Motors ** 7,1027,2516,970n.a. Not Established in Mexico11,31511,21811,171n.a. Mazda5,5025,5055,229n.a. Suzuki4,092 3,887n.a. Subaru n.a. Isuzu1,221 1,159n.a. Hino Motors n.a. Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus ** 00178n.a. Total56,58556,84454,865 50,851