Slavery in the U.S. of A
Enslavement of Africans Late 1600s, massive influx of Africans (Mostly male) to Chesapeake After 1670 African=Slave--before not the case Slaves cost twice as much as indentures--gap btwn rich and poor planters
SC planters imported many slaves & used their expertise in rice and indigo farming More W. African culture survives in SC Banana, yams, goober (peanut), okra, gumbo
Most slaves were in southern colonies There were significant numbers in the north, especially in areas like New York
Slave Population in the Colonies YearNorthSouthTotal , ,30336,56344, ,222206,198236, ,460411,362459,822
Population Growth Natural increase of Africans in N. America accelerated after 1740; most slaves are born in America Slavery based on heredity
Colonial Families Some African Americans are able to live together-on large farms (SC, GA) Less so if living on small farm with 1 or 2 slaves (this was the most common form of slavery) Extended kin networks Masters manipulate family ties to prevent escape -esp. when slavery is legal in all 13 colonies
Slaves in rural areas have little contact with the outside world (majority) Urban slaves have more contact with the free world
The American Revolution Republic for white men only Blacks challenged theories of inferiority- but whites clung to racist ideals Excluded women & people of color Most of North started to end slavery
How does slavery fit into the language of the Declaration of Independence? “All men are created equal” “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”