Trigger information in the Atlantis event display Qiang Lu, Juergen Thomas, Peter Watkins (Birmingham) Hans Drevermann (CERN) Andrew Haas (Columbia) Eric Jansen, Pieter Klok, Charles Timmermans (Nijmegen, NIKHEF) Simon Dean, Nikos Konstantinidis, Zdenek Maxa (UCL) Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger Joint Meeting Rutherfold Lab, 29 June 2006
Trigger info in Atlantis event display, 29 June Outline Basics on Atlantis: General setup, interface package JiveXML: modes to produce input data (file or online) GUI of Atlantis, Projections Trigger data in Atlantis: ROIs TriggerTowers and JetElements Upcoming developments: Trigger results in AODs
Trigger info in Atlantis event display, 29 June The event display Atlantis For general help, and suggestions, please contact: A tool for the visual investigation and physical understanding of all types of events inside ATLAS.. And also useful to help develop reconstruction and analysis algorithms facilitate debugging during commissioning create pictures and animations for presentations, publications and exhibitions use as online event display at the control room
Trigger info in Atlantis event display, 29 June How the event display Atlantis works Try to put data from the ATLAS detector into the human brain in an intuitive way, so the human may make fast and correct conclusions. This is largely accomplished by using data oriented projections. Atlantis has two parts: JiveXML: One inside the ATLAS software framework Athena in C++ to derive data running under Scientific Linux 3, AtlantisJava: and the actual interactive graphical tool as a standalone Java application, which can be run on any platform. Data transmission is done via XML files, IP connections or URL. The LHC is not yet running, therefore the events shown here are simulations using Monte Carlo methods and very detailed models of the interaction with the detector’s numerous layers and materials.
Trigger info in Atlantis event display, 29 June Detector / Data Oriented Projections 3D Cartesian coordinates x,y,z are not always optimal for colliding beam experiments. More natural and useful are the non-linear combinations which reflect the design of ATLAS: = sqrt(x 2 +y 2 ) = arctan(y/x) = arctan( /z) Atlantis offers e.g. the following projections: YX projection Z projection V-Plot ( ) in 2D Legoplot 3D.
Trigger info in Atlantis event display, 29 June Basics (1): Running JiveXML Default mode: Athena package JiveXML dumps output file in xml format, to be read back into Atlantis (a Java standalone application) Also possible to run over a large number of events and only display (produce xml files for) a selected few of them (JiveXML is now an AlgTool) Default mode: Running from Digi, switch flag “ doJiveXML=True ” in RecExCommon/ Online mode: JiveXML constantly ‘feeds’ event data into IP port (used in InDet commissioning): Flags: doJiveXML = True TrueToolSvc.EventData2XML.OnlineMode = True ToolSvc.EventData2XML.WriteToFile = False New mode: Interactive Athena interface: Atlantis GUI sends commands back into Athena prompt (interactive re- vertexing)
Trigger info in Atlantis event display, 29 June Basics (2): Atlantis (Java) Website has plenty of documentation & tutorials: Alias ‘atlantis’ available after setting up your Athena environment Runs also under Windows / Mac as a java application (may require installing Java 1.5 SDK, but also runs with 1.4) Copy directory ‘AtlantisJava-*’ from release, start atlantis.jar Note: Although Atlantis is inside the release, it has no dependency on other packages. It is a Java standalone application. Inclusion into release only to simplify distribution and code management. The very latest Atlantis version is now available from the (any !) Offline release (package graphics/AtlantisJava): cmt co graphics/AtlantisJava cd AtlantisJava-*/cmt cmt config source gmake java –jar atlantis.jar
Trigger info in Atlantis event display, 29 June Basics (3): Atlantis GUI Menu bar Window Control Interaction Control Parameter Groups Parameter Output Window
Trigger info in Atlantis event display, 29 June GUI: Data Selection for Trigger data
Trigger info in Atlantis event display, 29 June ROIs (1) eta/phi projection EmTauROIs are green crossed rectangles fixed size 4 EmTauROIs are visible here. (Semileptonic ttbar event, CSC 5200) JetROIs would be red (none here) “V” are tracks, red and green squares are calo cells circles are reconstructed AOD objects (dark blue: BJet, light blue: TauJet, slim grey circle: ParticleJet) Green/red squares: Calorimeter cells
Trigger info in Atlantis event display, 29 June ROIs (2) … zoom area using “Rubberband” interaction in GUI …
Trigger info in Atlantis event display, 29 June ROIs (3) … switch off Tracks (V’s) …
Trigger info in Atlantis event display, 29 June ROIs (3) PICK output: BJet id = 0 Pt = GeV E = GeV lhSig = 1.0 weight = eta = phi = ° EmTauROI id = 0 energy = 1.0 GeV (placeholder !) eta = phi = (90.000°) deta =.200 dphi =.200 (11.459°) LAr cell: id = 4/1/-1/1/0/420/16 E Max = 1.20 GeV E Sum =.00 GeV eta = ±.0031 phi = 92.6 ± 5.6° TILE cell: id = 5/3/-1/16/13/3/0/0 E Max = 6.49 GeV E Sum = 6.49 GeV eta = ±.0000 phi = 92.8 ± 5.6° PMT1 energy = PMT2 energy = 0.0 PMT1 chi2 = PMT2 chi2 = 0.0 PMT1 time = 0.0 PMT2 time = 0.0
Trigger info in Atlantis event display, 29 June GUI: Data Selection for Trigger data
Trigger info in Atlantis event display, 29 June Calo Legoplot Calo cell entries filled into eta/phi grid, energy as towers. Range given on axis. Note: green filled rectangle on lego base: EmTauROIs
Trigger info in Atlantis event display, 29 June Calo Legoplot ddd Switch in GUI: Now calo data shown by calo type: electromagnetic: green, hadronic: red
Trigger info in Atlantis event display, 29 June Legoplot: Trigger- Towers coloured by type: electromagnetic: green, hadronic: red Geometry (Grid) as in real system (Barrel: 0.1x0.1, much larger in FCAL) (note entries around eta=4)
Trigger info in Atlantis event display, 29 June Legoplot: Jet- Elements Selection in GUI: Now Level-1 JetElements are displayed. Geometry (Grid) as in real system (Barrel: 0.2x0.2, much larger in FCAL)
Trigger info in Atlantis event display, 29 June Overview: Trigger Data in Atlantis Currently implemented: EmTauROIs, JetROIs in eta/phi and Legoplot TriggerTowers, JetElements in Legoplot On the way (done in JiveXML): MuonROIs CTP_Decision: trigger words, SumEX, SumEY, SumET, SumET in Jets To do: Decode ROI, which trigger menu ? Lvl2 and EF objects and decision (TriggerDecision) Trigger data will be default in AOD from 12.0.x
Trigger info in Atlantis event display, 29 June Backup slides
Trigger info in Atlantis event display, 29 June By default, calorimeter cell energies are displayed as yellow areas Fraction of cell outline filled is proportional to energy, normalised to sum of energy in detector (em / had). Option: normalise to overall energy. Displays for Calo (1): XY projection
Trigger info in Atlantis event display, 29 June Switch in GUI: ‘Calo’->’LAr’-> Cell Outline, Cell Geometry ‘Pick’ on each cell entry for details Displays for Calo (2): Cell outlines
Trigger info in Atlantis event display, 29 June SynchroCursor PICK output: Muon = 0 Pt = GeV E = GeV chi2 = η = Φ = ° BJet = 1 Pt = GeV E = GeV lhSig = weight = η = Φ = ° STr barcode = 75 Type = μ- d0 = cm z0 =.140 cm phi0 = η = tL = pT = p = GeV ETMis: storegate key: CaloETMis Sum-ET = GeV ET-Mis = GeV ETx-Mis = GeV ETy-Mis = GeV Φ = °