SPOKEN ENGLISH Most of the knowledge is grasped in English Communication Power of identity-marker of our identity Marker of our society Usage of language should be good Speak English while teaching one subject correlate it with other Subjects. Why children should speak english? Contd….
To understand different contents of the area language is the base To be successful in life language is important Pronunciation part of language is important Speak correctly and write in proper formation-running handwriting Correct Rhythm for into ration To make the child speak correct sentences child should look towards and listen a good listener
How we should go beyond the Text Book New meaning-To old meanings we should bow down in the class just like a temple. Teachers should think that I am in the class with children not to teach but to learn something from the children. Child is not an empty state Don’t use Harward grardeneas prescription that child can’t do anything Contd….
Teacher is facilitator and child will do every thing Teacher should go beyond Text Book and go for 3 period lessons Teacher should know different intelligence of children Take the child to expected to unexpected Eg. Can you tell me how does a tree feel More focus on understanding than on memorising Child should be made a fit person for all the environment Contd….
We tell the child to keep silent and learn all things and listen silently. But according to N.C.F we should interconnect the environment of home- outside with the school and classroom situations We should try to understand the child at the early stage. Child should not sit silent but speak about his/her experiences related with his environment. We should try to develop the competencies nicely
Child Inspired Education Instead of child centered A child should be treated as our own child Teacher should be ready to listen all language of children We should not stick to complete our syllabus Whatever the child do he should understand it