I like school because it’s fun. I like school because I like to study Russian. I like school because it’s interesting. I like school because I have here many friends My favorite subject is….
English, Maths, Drama, Art, English Literature, Nature Studies, PE, Spanish.
In lessons we do experiments. Most students in our class enjoy In class we learn how to use computers. At children act out short plays.
Nameto playto readto speak English to run and jump Dima Slava Yasha Katya
Slava likes….. Yasha likes…. Dima likes…. Katya likes….
whiteredblackgrey Jessica goes to Woodlands Primary School. She wears a school uniform. She wears a hat. She wears a shirt and a red school tie. She wears a school blazer with the school badge on it. When it’s cold she wears a sweatshirt. When it’s very cold she wears gloves and a red scarf. She wears a skirt. She wears tights and shoes.