American Imperialism Puerto Rico John Kloehn & Kevin Yacker.


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Presentation transcript:

American Imperialism Puerto Rico John Kloehn & Kevin Yacker

Definition of Imperialism The policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries, or of acquiring and holding colonies and dependencies.

U.S. Involvement American troops landed on the island of Puerto Rico. Due to part of the Spanish-American war

U.S. Motives The island of Puerto Rico was key in holding the American front in the Caribbean. Control of the island was necessary to protect their interests in the Isthmus of Panama.

Justification The justification for controlling Puerto Rico was for the protection of the Isthmus of Panama. The Isthmus of Panama would later be used to build the Panama Canal.

Were the US’s Actions Justified? The US imperialistic actions upon Puerto Rico where justified. Unlike in other US territories, the US allowed limited rule over government and gave the citizens limited rights that would one day be beneficial.

Reaction of Local Population Not all Puerto Ricans wanted independence as Munoz Rivera did. Some wanted state hood. Others hoped for some measure of local self-government as an American territory.

Final Result In 1900 congress passed the Foraker Act This Act contained: A termination of military rule Establishment of a colonial government The governor was to be appointed by the President A Legislature with two houses was established The Upper House or the executive counsel was appointed by the United States The lower house or the chamber of delegates was elected by the Puerto Rican people An elected resident commissioner became a non voting member in the US House of Representatives and represented the islands interest All federal laws of the United States were to be in effect on the island

Economic result The act contained two economic provisions which are still enforced today. Puerto Rico was exempt from federal taxes. A duty free trade was established between Puerto Rico and the United States.

Were the Actions Beneficial The Foracker act was beneficial to both sides. It gave the Puerto Ricans a sense of self government. It gave the US control over the major political issues of the new country. ?

Superman In this case, the US government acted as a mafia don While it granted the Puerto Ricans a false sense of self government over themselves and their people….. It gave the US control over the major government positions. Mafia Don or ?

Where is Puerto Rico???????

Works Cited Facts on File: Facts On File Online Databases Foraker Act The Americans Text Book