Developing Strong Transition Protocols Infant Toddler Program, Head Start and Early Childhood Special Education Shannon Dunstan Idaho State Department of Education Division of Special Education Early Childhood & Interagency Coordinator Christy Cronheim Idaho Department of Health & Welfare Infant Toddler Program Program Manager Carolyn Kiefer Idaho Department of Health & Welfare Head Start Collaboration Director
8:00-8:30 Registration 8:30-10:00 Transition: Infant Toddler Program to Early Childhood Special Education 10:00-10:15Break 10:15-11:30 Referral and Evaluation: Head Start and Early Childhood Special Education 11:30-12:00 Collaboration: Infant Toddler Program and Early Head Start 12:00-1:00 Lunch 1:00-1:30 Overview: Infant Toddler Program and Local Educational Agency Protocols 1:30-3:00 Overview: Head Start and Local Educational Agency Protocols 3:00-3:15 Break 3:15-4:00 Questions and Answers Agenda
Transition: Infant Toddler Program to Early Childhood Special Education –Early Intervention –Procedural Safeguards –Transition Planning –Notification to LEA and SEA Quarterly transition verification –District responsibility –Unique Circumstances Late Referrals Summer Birthdays Referral and Evaluation: Head Start and Early Childhood Special Education –Child Find Activities –Exchange of Information –Evaluations/Assessments –Least Restrictive Environment –Kindergarten Transitions Objectives Collaboration: Infant Toddler Program and Early Head Start Interagency Agreement Review –Purpose –Exchange of Information –Responsibilities –Referrals –Evaluation and IFSP Development –Collaborative Activities –Liability Usability
Times of Change
Infant Toddler Program Eligibility IFSP Early intervention services Service Coordination Natural Environments Evidence-based practices Transition
Part C Eligibility Developmental Delay Established Medical Condition *ITP can use informed clinical opinion
Procedural Safeguards IDEA requires both Part C and Part B to develop and implement specific Procedural Safeguards according to federal regulations. –Procedural Safeguards are provided to families multiple times throughout referral, eligibility, service delivery and transition.
Transition process begins around the child’s 2 nd Birthday as reflected in the IFSP
Infant Toddler Program will notify State Department of Education and Local School Districts of all Potentially eligible students
Potentially Eligible Child is over age 2.6 (or on some instances, as early as 2 years 3 months) and is eligible for EI services, and Child is eligible for Part C under the category of “Developmental Delay” (DD), or Child is eligible for Part C under the category of “Established Condition” (EC)
Part C Notification
Example of the Notification
Quarterly Verification
Activities Timeline Part C to Part B Transitions Child ’ s Age in Months Years.Months Transition Events Discuss “ transitioning ” with all families whose child is nearing age 2 Include transition steps/activities in 2 nd birthday IFSP Send Notification 1 (& Notification 2 if appropriate) to District If consent given, share existing evaluations/ records with District Schedule, invite, & hold transition conference (consider combining with IFSP review) Schedule visit to school &/or observation by District (Recommended) District conducts additional assessment/ evaluation (if needed) Eligibility determined by District IEP developed IEP services begin COSF exit scores shared w/ District Notes: Both systems must work together to assure required transitional activities occur and if appropriate, an IEP is developed and implemented by the child ’ s third birthday. 1) Green shaded areas denote suggested/optional timeframes for completion of activities. 2) Red box denotes latest allowable time for completion of compliance-related activities. 3) The above timeframes must be adjusted and/or accelerated if child ’ s birthday occurs during Districts summer break or child enters early intervention services after 2 years 6 months of age.
Not all children serviced in the Infant Toddler Program will be referred to a LEA
District responsibility for potentially eligible students Contact Family Provide written information about Part B and Early Childhood Special Education Services Provide procedural safeguards Complete the referral and evaluation process
Referral to Part B Preschool Special Education Services
Transition Conference to Discuss Services
Unique Circumstances
Late Referrals to the LEA from Infant Toddler Program
Summer Birthdays
Evaluation and Eligibility Part B
Early Childhood Outcomes
IEP Development
Head Start and Early Childhood Special Education
Transition: Infant Toddler Program to Early Childhood Special Education –Early Intervention –Procedural Safeguards –Transition Planning –Notification to LEA and SEA Quarterly transition verification –District responsibility –Unique Circumstances Late Referrals Summer Birthdays Referral and Evaluation: Head Start and Early Childhood Special Education –Child Find Activities –Exchange of Information –Evaluations/Assessments –Least Restrictive Environment –Kindergarten Transitions Objectives Collaboration: Infant Toddler Program and Early Head Start Interagency Agreement Review –Purpose –Exchange of Information –Responsibilities –Referrals –Evaluation and IFSP Development –Collaborative Activities –Liability Usability
Federal Head Start Performance Standards Services for Children with Disabilities 10 % of children served (minimum) Disabilities Plan and Coordinator Timely screening Interagency Agreements with LEAS in service area Safeguards and parental involvement Transitions to kindergarten
Child Find Activities Early interventions programs and Head Start programs are mandated to conduct Child Find activities to identify young children with special needs.
Exchange of Information
Least Restrictive Environment
Infant Toddler Program and Early Head Start
Transition: Infant Toddler Program to Early Childhood Special Education –Early Intervention –Procedural Safeguards –Transition Planning –Notification to LEA and SEA Quarterly transition verification –District responsibility –Unique Circumstances Late Referrals Summer Birthdays Referral and Evaluation: Head Start and Early Childhood Special Education –Child Find Activities –Exchange of Information –Evaluations/Assessments –Least Restrictive Environment –Kindergarten Transitions Objectives Collaboration: Infant Toddler Program and Early Head Start Interagency Agreement Review –Purpose –Exchange of Information –Responsibilities –Referrals –Evaluation and IFSP Development –Collaborative Activities –Liability Usability
Purpose Develop strong partnerships between EHS and ITP to nurture children’s growth and development in natural environments Increase quality, consistency, and options for early intervention Work together as collaborating agencies to pool resources
Definitions Confidentiality Screening Evaluation Assessment Referral
Exchange of Information Confidential information exchanged between ITP and EHS according to HIPPA and FERPA regulations and agency protocols Program specific release forms
Program Responsibilities - ITP Provide EI services in Natural Environment Provide service coordination Service provision in native language Outreach, screening, and child find activities Consultation for dually enrolled children Open communication Info available to families Online developmental monitoring system
Program Responsibilities - EHS Provide EHS services to income eligible pregnant women and children B-3 Complete developmental and behavioral screenings Track delivery of services Consult with ITP staff Info available to families
Evaluation & IFSP Development ITP –Provide timely evaluations and determine eligibility –With parent permission, provide copies of evaluations and IFSP to EHS for dually enrolled children –Invite all providers to IFSP activities and EHS meetings, with parent permission
Referrals ITP - Make written referrals to EHS for children referred or currently involved with ITP, with parent permission. EHS - Obtain parent permission and make referral to ITP within seven days of identification of a concern related to the child’s development.
Collaborative Activities ITP and EHS –Joint staffing –Shared training –Resource sharing/service delivery
Infant Toddler Program Local School District Early Head Start/Head Start 3 Different Interagency Agreements
Usability Clear to all parties Effective to meet the needs Effecient