Impact Analysis. Impact Analysis (204) ODOT attempts to avoid, and minimize impacts to the natural environment throughout the PDP process Despite these.


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Presentation transcript:

Impact Analysis

Impact Analysis (204) ODOT attempts to avoid, and minimize impacts to the natural environment throughout the PDP process Despite these efforts, transportation related projects will result in some level of disturbance to the natural environment Ecological reports should focus on these three areas of impact analysis Aquatic Ecology Streams Wetlands Potentially Jurisdictional Ditches Ponds/Lakes/Reservoirs Aquatic Life Terrestrial Ecology Vegetative Communities Wildlife Listed Species

Ecological survey reports should never make recommendations for avoiding, minimizing, and/or mitigating impacts associated with ODOT projects Submit recommendations in a separate letter/document Alternatives can be utilized during the 404/401 Waterway Permit Application/Water Quality Certification process Impact Analysis (204)

Impacts Analysis: Level of Reports Data and impacts for each resource are presented in the same table No impacts to aquatic life write-up except for Unionid mussels. State and Federal Listed Species tables are very similar to Level 2 Impact tables. Level 1 Reports

Impacts Analysis: Level of Reports Data tables and impact tables are separate. Ecological impacts summary Impact table for each resource Alternative analysis required. Minimum is a build no build alternative. Level 2 Reports

Impacts Analysis: Level of Reports The Preliminary Draft Level 3 Report will not contain an impacts section. The Impacts Section in the Draft Level 3 Report will follow the same format as the Impacts Section in the Level 2 Report. Will discuss impacts to the feasible alternatives Alternative analysis will be required The Impacts Section in the Final Level 3 Report will contain impacts for the preferred alternative only. It will also follow the same format as the Level 2 Report. Level 3 Reports

Impact Analysis: Aquatic Ecology Streams, Wetlands, Ditches, Ponds and Lakes Type of impact and whether temporary or permanent fill Expected short and long term impacts to the waterway Any evident prior degradation, pollution impacts, or other pertinent information. Comparisons of impacts between alignments (for Level 2 Reports with alternatives, and Draft Level 3 Reports)

Impact Analysis: Aquatic Ecology Impacts box should include the following: Individuals, species and suitable mussel habitat that may be impacted by the project. Potential impacts Indirect, such as siltation Direct, such as burying, crushing, etc. For all projects that have alternatives, include a comparison of impacts between alternatives. Unionid Mussels

Short term impacts (typically associated with sedimentation) Mobile species vacate the project area Immobile or sensitive taxa may suffer mortality Recovery is typically expected 1-2 years following construction Preconstruction taxa are expected to re-colonize the site Long term impacts (typically associated with channel modifications) Loss of the in-stream habitat diversity capable of supporting a diverse community of fauna Loss of riparian cover resulting in increased light levels and thermal changes May result in extirpation of species from the project area Impact Analysis: Aquatic Ecology General Discussion Points

Impact Analysis: Aquatic Ecology Discuss impacts to specific fish, macroinvertebrate, and/or mussel assemblages and their habitats. Focus on the following: Rare species Intolerant species Discuss whether the project may extirpate any of the assemblages within the stream. Projects that require aquatic fauna collection

Impact Analysis: Terrestrial Ecology Discussion of impacts should include the following: For all projects that have alternatives, include a comparison of impacts between alternatives. Type of impacts associated with that community The severity of impact in context with the local and regional ecology of the area. Focus discussion on rare, unique, or high-quality habitats or rare or unique species. Discuss if project may cause the extirpation of a certain community or species within the area. Any listed species must also be discussed in the Listed Species section. Vegetative Community and Wildlife Impacts

Impacts Analysis: Listed Species For each species with known ranges that includes the project county(ies), include the following: A brief life history synopsis, focusing on habitat requirements Records within a mile (or within 5 miles for IB captures, and 10 miles for hibernacula) If the species was found within the project area (IF YES, CALL OES FIRST!!!) If critical habitat was found within the project area (IF YES, CALL OES FIRST!!!) If suitable habitat was found within the project area Impacts to the suitable habitat For Indiana bat, also summarize the information from the Bat Habitat Worksheet. Compare impacts within alternatives for projects that possess alternatives (when applicable). Federally Listed Species

Impacts Analysis: Listed Species For each species with records within a mile of the project (or that were found within or directly adjacent to the project area) A brief life history synopsis, focusing on habitat requirements Distance of record from project area If the species was found within the project area If suitable habitat was found within the project area Impacts to the suitable habitat If a federal species record is located within a mile, reference between the Federal and State species tables to minimize repetition.. Comparisons of impacts between alternatives should be included for projects that have alternatives. State Listed Species