Following Jesus Discipleship Gabe Orea. XICF. Feb 7, Part 6
Mentor / Disciple Walk Matthew Mark Luke John Examples Servants Followers Believers
Luke Followers
Luke Followers Jesus – The Way I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
Luke Followers Counting the Cost… Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple. For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it? Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish.’
Luke Followers Counting the Cost… Or what king, going out to encounter another king in war, will not sit down first and deliberate whether he is able with ten thousand to meet him who comes against him with twenty thousand? And if not, while the other is yet a great way off, he sends a delegation and asks for terms of peace. So therefore, any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple. Lk. 14:27-33.
Luke Followers Counting the Cost…
Luke Followers Counting the Cost… All that you have Become Jesus’ disciple
Luke Followers Counting the Cost…
Luke Followers Counting the Cost… disciples crowds
Luke Followers Counting the Cost… For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing. 1 Cor. 1:18 The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned. 1 Cor. 2:14
Luke Followers
Luke Followers
Luke Followers Counting the Cost… And a ruler asked him, “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” And Jesus said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone. You know the commandments: ‘Do not commit adultery, Do not murder, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Honor your father and mother.’ ” And he said, “All these I have kept from my youth.” When Jesus heard this, he said to him, “One thing you still lack. Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.” But when he heard these things, he became very sad, for he was extremely rich. Lk. 18: all $ that you have
Luke Followers Counting the Cost… And as for what fell among the thorns, they are those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by the cares and riches and pleasures of life, and their fruit does not mature. Lk. 8:14. No servant can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money. Lk. 16:13. all $ that you have the cares and riches and pleasures of life serve (love) money
Luke Followers Counting the Cost… Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another. Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and give no opportunity to the devil. Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need. Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. Eph. 4: all that you have the cares and riches and pleasures of life serve (love) money falsehood, sin, stealing, corrupt talk
Luke Followers Counting the Cost… But godliness with contentment is great gain, for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world. 1 Tim. 6:6-7. Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ. Philippians 3:8.
Luke Followers Counting the Cost… For you have not come to what may be touched… But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to innumerable angels in festal gathering… Hebrews 12: that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being. Eph. 3:16.
Luke Followers Counting the Cost… But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved— and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus… Eph. 2:4-6.
Luke Followers Counting the Cost… And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” Lk. 9:23
Luke Followers Counting the Cost… Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple. Lk. 14:27