A Mighty Military Machine The Assyrian Empire A Mighty Military Machine
The Fall of the Babylonian Empire 1595- conquered by the Kassites Ruled for 400 years 911 B.C.- conquered by the Assyrians But the Babylonians will make a comeback!!!
The Assyrian Empire Over the next three centuries built the strongest and largest empire the world had known at the time!! Stretching from Egypt in the west to Persia in the East Capital was Nineveh
The Assyrian Empire How were the Assyrians able to build an empire?
Powerful Army Trained foot soldiers Expert shots with bow and arrow Chariot Riders Horseback Soldiers (first to do so)
Cruel Treatment Forced to pay tribute Deportations Payment for protection Deportations Slavery Horrific Physical Punishment Flayed Impaled
Weapons Money from tribute tax helped them to develop even better weapons… Iron weapons Battering Rams with wheels and canopies Spoke wheels
Dressed to Fight Assyrian Army Chain Mail Leather Boots Could fight year round
King Ashurbanipal Great king, but TERRIFYING Killed his own brother Created the first Great Library in Nineveh In his palace Readings grouped by subject Epic of Gilgamesh
Death of Ashurbanipal, 627 B.C. Empire Ended Civil War Cities burned to the ground