ExCEL After School Program Lead Agency/Site Coordinator Meeting March 19, Snack Audits – 20 minutes 2.Public Profit Surveys -20 minutes 3.FY Contract Season – April 9 th Opening Day! 4.UESF side agreement 5.Furlough Days – NO programming 6.Instructional Aide EMS update = Due March 30 th 7.Crises Response Plan & CPS guidelines – 30 minutes 8.Deadline reminders! 9.Attendance Audit – Early Release Codes! 10.August Institute – Aug 6-8 th – 2 days for program leaders 11.Breakouts: By DC: What types of sessions do you want at the Aug Inst?
FY Contract Season April 9 th is BOE date for K resolutions for summer programs beginning in July 2013 Programs that receive NEW supplemental funding for FY will not be able to use those funds in July We won’t have time to process contracts. You will need to plan on serving all of your attendance target in June % administrative fee is INCLUSIVE of any administrative fee that a subcontractor bills. E.g.: if a subcontract charges 3% fee, deduct that amount from your 7.5% FY contract documents will include requirement for crime insurance.
UESF Side Agreement Under negotiation Multi-year Clarity on classified vs certificated Will send out via gmail as soon as we receive final letter
Furlough Days – no go It isn’t clear if paraprofessional contract allows paras to be designated as “mission critical” to allow them to work on a furlough day. District does not have resources to track custodial to ensure that furlough days in lieu of are taken. CDE has not provided clear guidance on whether base funding can be used for furlough days.
Instructional Aide Update EMS by March 30 th All staff must meet instructional aid requirements before the start of school year ExCEL will offer a few exam days in the summer, but cannot provide testing by appointment or on an as needed basis.
Crises Response Manual As part of after school program contract, there is an expectation is that each site has its own crises response plan and that there are practice drills with students on a regular basis. Each school site is also required to have an crises response plan which you may want to familiarize yourself with. Student, Family, Community Support Department has a Crises Response Manual: /Crisis%20Response%20Manual.pdfwww.healthiersf.org/Programs/SHP/Crisis%20Response/documents /Crisis%20Response%20Manual.pdf
Deadlines Reminders!!! 13
Early Release Codes When do you use ER codes??? ER codes should be used WHENEVER a student leaves prior to 5:45pm whether or not there is an Early Release form on file. If you have EMS auto populate ER code for a student; there should be a ER form on file for audit purposes. It is not necessary to have a ER form for each day a student has an ER code. This is a site specific policy
August Institute Dates: August 6-8 – 10am-4pm Location: St Mary’s Church – Gough/Geary Blvd