Guidelines for Effective Photo Composition Photos at Root’s Market Ms. Gallagher
Simplicity Just shooting the flowers, little background
Simplicity Angling the shot, concentrating on flowers
Simplicity Close shot of flowers…no distractions
Simplicity Too far from subject….Much better by getting in closer
My Photo for Contest
Lines Just a vertical photo of fruit
Lines Created depth by changing the way I took the photo
Rule of Thirds Placing people in a triangular group
Rule of Thirds Not placing any one item off center or in one third of photo is a bad photo
Rule of Thirds Onions take up two thirds of photo but makes a good photo
Lines Shooting on a diagonal to give depth
Lines Shooting photo on angle changes depth
Lines Bad photo…shooting head on, clutter around the subject
Lines Changing the way I shot subject, giving it depth and focus
Lines Shooting on an angle, again creating depth, pole in the way…distraction
Lines Moved so pole was not in photo
Balance Pleasing arrangement of pottery..used box to create height
Balance Shooting photo with hanging ghords create a feeling of symmetry in photo
Balance No symmetry, feeling unbalnced, just clutter
Balance Off balance…lady’s head in background, man’s arm to right
Balance Not well balanced..notice the wall and man behind the plants
Balance Not symmetrical, but still ok to have large containers in front..feeling balanced
Framing Bad idea…trying to use umbrellas to frame pottery, but is a distraction instead
Framing Use of plants to frame person
Framing Plant in front to frame plants behind
Framing Tall plants in front to frame plants in background
Avoiding Mergers Cutting of heads
Avoiding Mergers No heads cut off..and centered
Avoiding Mergers Pole in way so cause a blur on the corner of photo
A Spellchecker needed!!!!!