Using Web Services in An Application Integration Strategy at Case Western Reserve University October 18 th, 2002 Jeff Gumpf, Senior IT Architect Information Technology Services Case Western Reserve University
Tentative Strategy Move to a Web services based framework for integrating applications Move to a Web services based framework for integrating applications Move business logic out of applications Move business logic out of applications Move away from custom application-to-application connections to one based on centralized business logic/workflow Move away from custom application-to-application connections to one based on centralized business logic/workflow Create a central repository for enterprise business logic/workflow Create a central repository for enterprise business logic/workflow Use the UML (Unified Modeling Language) to model enterprise business logic and information Use the UML (Unified Modeling Language) to model enterprise business logic and information
Move to a Web Services based Integration Framework Use available standards and integration tools Use available standards and integration tools Evaluate application vendors on the quality and breadth of their Web services based interface and use of open standards Evaluate application vendors on the quality and breadth of their Web services based interface and use of open standards Use what seems prudent while standards and tools develop Use what seems prudent while standards and tools develop Be prepared to change as standards and tools evolve Be prepared to change as standards and tools evolve
Move Business Logic Out of Applications Encourage application vendors to move business logic external to the application Encourage application vendors to move business logic external to the application When business logic is built into the application, it is more difficult to change When business logic is built into the application, it is more difficult to change Encourages the development of business logic libraries for specific business areas Encourages the development of business logic libraries for specific business areas Allows for more open development of business logic Allows for more open development of business logic
Move Away from Custom Application-to-Application Integration We have many instances where custom integration occurred between different applications We have many instances where custom integration occurred between different applications They are often not well documented They are often not well documented The connections are sometimes in series where a change in an upstream application can have unforeseen and unintended consequences in some downstream application The connections are sometimes in series where a change in an upstream application can have unforeseen and unintended consequences in some downstream application Many different methods are used to implement the integration Many different methods are used to implement the integration Difficult to manage and maintain Difficult to manage and maintain
Create a Central Business Logic Repository Move enterprise business logic to a central repository Move enterprise business logic to a central repository Visible to all Visible to all One place to go to get integration and business logic information One place to go to get integration and business logic information Easier to determine consequences of changes Easier to determine consequences of changes Can potentially share with others Can potentially share with others
Use the UML to Model Enterprise Business Logic and Information UML is a widely accepted modeling standard UML is a widely accepted modeling standard A foundation part of the OMG “Model Driven Architecture”, OMG’s next step in helping users solve integration problems using open, vendor-neutral interoperability specifications A foundation part of the OMG “Model Driven Architecture”, OMG’s next step in helping users solve integration problems using open, vendor-neutral interoperability specifications A foundation part of the UN/CEFACT Modeling Methodology (UMM) for business process and information modeling A foundation part of the UN/CEFACT Modeling Methodology (UMM) for business process and information modeling A number of candidate standards exist for implementing business logic and UML can be made to map to them A number of candidate standards exist for implementing business logic and UML can be made to map to them Eventually it will be possible to implement business logic from the UML Eventually it will be possible to implement business logic from the UML
The End Thank you Thank you