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HIGH SCHOOL 101 What every student and parent should know about high school.
Scheduling Scheduling August – December – 1 st term January – May – 2 nd term Most courses are 18 week courses, they last an entire term. A few courses only last 9 weeks – Health, Art Dynamics, Computer Applications, Driver Education.
Graduation Requirements Credits or Units Credits or Units Required Courses Required Courses AHSGE AHSGE
Credits/Units Students earn 1 credit for each 18 week course passed and ½ credit for each 9 week course passed. Students earn 1 credit for each 18 week course passed and ½ credit for each 9 week course passed. 28 credits are required to graduate. 28 credits are required to graduate. –8 credits per year x 4 years = 32 credits –8 credits in 9 th grade + 21 credits in (10 th -12 th ) 7 credits x 3 years= + 21 credits in (10 th -12 th ) 7 credits x 3 years= 29 credits 29 credits
Required Courses English – 4 credits English – 4 credits Math – 4 credits Math – 4 credits Science – 4 credits Science – 4 credits Social Studies – 4 credits Social Studies – 4 credits Health- ½ credit Health- ½ credit Computer Applications - ½ credit Computer Applications - ½ credit Fine Arts (Art Dynamics) - ½ credit Fine Arts (Art Dynamics) - ½ credit Physical Education - 1 credit Physical Education - 1 credit Electives – 9 ½ credits (regular) Electives – 9 ½ credits (regular) Spanish (adv only) - 2 credits Spanish (adv only) - 2 credits Electives – 7 ½ credits (adv) Electives – 7 ½ credits (adv)
AHSGE 10 th grade - spring 10 th grade - springLanguageReadingMathematicsScience Social Studies Spring of 11 th grade Spring of 11 th grade Summer between 11/12 Summer between 11/12 Fall of 12 th Fall of 12 th Winter of 12 th Winter of 12 th Spring of 12 th. Spring of 12 th.
Diploma Types Occupational Diploma (Students with IEP) Occupational Diploma (Students with IEP) Standard Diploma Standard Diploma Advanced Diploma Advanced Diploma –Advanced level Math in grades 9 – 12 –Advanced level Science in grades –Two years of foreign language Technical Endorsements available for students who complete programs at tech school.
Vocabulary Numerical GPA – grade point average. Official school GPA is figured on a 100 pt. scale. Numerical GPA – grade point average. Official school GPA is figured on a 100 pt. scale. GPA- Each “A” counts as 4 points, “B” counts as 3 points, “C” counts as 2 points, “D” counts as 1 point. GPA- Each “A” counts as 4 points, “B” counts as 3 points, “C” counts as 2 points, “D” counts as 1 point. Example: Example: English924.0 English924.0 Alg B833.0 Phys. Sc Phys. Sc Wld Hist914.0 Wld Hist914.0 Spanish I782.0 Spanish I782.0 Agriscience883.0 Agriscience /6 = 86 19/6=3.16
Vocabulary Class Rank Class Rank Class rank is based on a numerical 100 pt. scale. Transcript Transcript This is a student’s official academic record. It consists of courses taken, grades received and official test scores. The transcript includes grades 9 – 12.
Extracurricular Eligibility In order to play sports or participate in other extracurricular activities, students must meet the academic requirements set by the Board of Education. In order to play sports or participate in other extracurricular activities, students must meet the academic requirements set by the Board of Education. Students considering playing sports at the college level will need to work closely with the coach and the counselor to ensure that NCAA Clearinghouse guidelines are met. Students considering playing sports at the college level will need to work closely with the coach and the counselor to ensure that NCAA Clearinghouse guidelines are met.
Post High School Plans Career/Technical Colleges Career/Technical Colleges –Gadsden State, JF Drake, Nashville Auto 4-year College/University 4-year College/University –Alabama, Auburn, UNA, UAH, JSU 2-year Community College 2-year Community College –Northeast, Snead, Wallace State Military Military -National Guard, Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines
High School Resume Academics Academics –Grades and College Placement Test Scores Community Service/Volunteer Work Community Service/Volunteer Work –Activities may be club or church sponsored or individual Extracurriculars Extracurriculars –Find 2 or 3 activities you enjoy and GET INVOLVED.
A Few Final Thoughts… Watch grades closely – block schedule has a different pace. It is easy to get behind and hard to catch up! Watch grades closely – block schedule has a different pace. It is easy to get behind and hard to catch up! Communication is EXTREMELY important. Check the school website regularly, contact the school if you have questions or concerns, watch for newsletters. Communication is EXTREMELY important. Check the school website regularly, contact the school if you have questions or concerns, watch for newsletters.
HIGH SCHOOL SHOULD BE HARD!!!! Every student should have to work hard – from the strongest student academically to the weakest. If a student is making “A’s” without working there is a problem. If students rarely do work outside of school they will not be prepared for the post-high school world. To have successful high school careers, students should avoid the “that’s good enough” philosophy and demand the very best from themselves! Every student should have to work hard – from the strongest student academically to the weakest. If a student is making “A’s” without working there is a problem. If students rarely do work outside of school they will not be prepared for the post-high school world. To have successful high school careers, students should avoid the “that’s good enough” philosophy and demand the very best from themselves!
School Website Wilcox Central High