GBV Window GenCap Technical Workshop 20 February Presented by Jessica Gorham and Janey Lawry- White.


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Presentation transcript:

GBV Window GenCap Technical Workshop 20 February Presented by Jessica Gorham and Janey Lawry- White

Background Inter-agency Capacity Building Project Strengthening capacity of the AoR and support to the field GBV AoR needed to have experts available to deploy immediately

GBV Area of Responsibility – Rapid Response Team (RRT) GBV AoR Coordinator Global GBV Advisor GBV Advisor Arab States GBV Advisor Francophone Africa GBV Advisor Asia

Terms of Reference for Rapid Response Team (RRT) Deployed to the field 75% of the time; when not deployed working on regional and global initiatives Maximum of three months spent on any one deployment Most often deployed to countries that have clusters, but also trying to link to preparedness activities Stresses inter-agency collaboration

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) Mapping referral pathways Developing ToRs and workplans to define the functions of GBV coordination mechanisms Should be the basis for GBV coordination! Has anyone ever been involved in developing SOPs?

WHO Ethical and Safety Recommendations Planning: Why this population? Special risks to this population? Recruitment: How to minimize risks? Implementation: How to minimize risks? Post-study: Will participants or staff be punished for associating with researchers? Analysis and Reporting: Who will use data and for what purpose? Harms to target group from publication of study findings 6

GBVIMS The intention of the System is – to assist service providers to better understand the GBV cases being reported – to enable actors to share data internally across project sites and externally with agencies for broader analysis and to improve GBV coordination. Through two sets of standardised activities: – Data compilation and statistical analysis – Data sharing

GBV IMS continued Data protection protocol Information sharing protocol Standardized definitions Common intake/assessment forms Incident recorder

Handbook for Coordinating Gender-based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Settings For use by all individuals and agencies involved in GBV coordination activities, not just GBV coordinators Should also be used as an advocacy tool to educate UN personnel, government officials, and NGOs about basic protection responsibilities related to GBV coordination, prevention and response

IASC Guidelines A set of good practices in a framework that promotes and facilitates coordination & information sharing All humanitarian actors must take action, from the earliest stages of any emergency, to prevent sexual violence and provide appropriate assistance to survivors Includes cluster-specific minimum “action sheets”

Community of Practice Communities of Practice (CoPs) are groups of people in organizations that form to share what they know, to learn from one another regarding some aspects of their work and to provide a social context for that work.